AoS Shadow & Pain Review: Slaanesh

keep of secrets slaanesh loreThis week’s AoS Shadow & Pain Review is all about the Slaanesh side of things! Let’s see how you can take this box to a full 2k point army!

Last week we broke down the Daughters of Khaine side of the new Shadow and Pain boxed set, you can see that here. Today we will break down the Slaanesh side to see how you might start with this box set and build it into a 2000 point army.

AoS Shadow & Pain Review: Slaanesh

Shadow and Pain

Here are the Slaanesh models that come in the box:

  • Lord of Pain (Guessing 35$) (Guessing 140 points)
  • Hellstriders of Slaanesh (33$): 110 Points
  • Hellstriders of Slaanesh (33$):110 Points
  • Daemonettes of Slaanesh (36$): 110 Points
  • Seeker Chariot of Slaanesh (30$): 120 Points
  • Total: 590 Points (167$)

That is pretty good value for money especially if you are splitting this box with someone. To build upon this first box, we are going to add a start collecting box. And to fully round out our Daemonettes, let’s grab another box of 10 of those. So you are adding:

  • 20 Daemonettes of Slaanesh: 220 points
  • 5 Seekers: 120 Points
  • 1 Bladebringer on Exalted Chariot of Slaanesh: 220 points


SLaanesh wal hor daemonette Save Hobby $$$ Buy One Army for 40k & Age of Sigmar!When added to your starter box you have the following:

  • Lord of Pain: (Guessing 140 points): Leader 1 of 6
  • Hellstriders of Slaanesh: 110 Points: Battleline 1 of 3
  • Hellstriders of Slaanesh: 110 Points: Battleline 2 of 3
  • 30 Daemonettes of Slaanesh: 110 Points: Battleline 3 of 3
  • Seeker Chariot of Slaanesh: 120 Points: No Unit Type
  • Seekers: 120 points: No Unit Type
  • Bladebringer on Exalted Chariot of Slaanesh: 220 Points: Leader 2 of 6
  • Total: 1150 Points

Not a bad list. You have your bases covered in terms of your battleline line troops and a lot of very fast-moving units that can take objectives anywhere on the board. You do however need some leader models and unfortunately, those are sold individually and can get a little expensive. What this army is lacking right now is some magic so let’s see what we can dig up that might not break the bank.

Adding Leaders and Magic

  • The Contorted Epitome: 210 Points: Leader 3 of 6
  • Vice leader Herald of Slaanesh: 120 Points: Leader 4 of 6
  • Total 1480 Points

At 50$ The Contorted Epitome is not a terrible price for a leader that can cast and unbind two spells. Add on the herald of Slaanesh, which is 25$, and you just added two wizards to your army to help stop your opponents from doing whatever they want in the magic phase. Right now you have a bunch of fast-moving hard-hitting troops, a couple of wizards for some buffing and magic defense, but what you’re missing is a centerpiece model. Unfortunately, those are not cheap, but a Keeper of Secrets would work well here.

They are going to be able to keep up with this army to put pressure on your opponent, as well as add an additional 2 magic rolls for you to play around with. At 140$ a pop it is a tough pill to swallow, but the model is a great centerpiece model for any Slaanesh army.

The Last Few Points

  • Keeper of Secrets: 380 Points: Leader 5 of 6
  • Total: 1860 Points

For my last model, I am going to add the Infernal Enchantress to this army for some ranged support, as well as adding summoning points. At 40$ this model is a little more expensive for a single character, but to me, out of all Slaanesh models, it really shows what Slaanesh is all about and how crazy his / her followers are.

  • Infernal Enchantress: 140 Points: Leader 6 of 6
  • Total: 2000 Points

While not the cheapest army by any means, this is one that is also doable in chunks. Obviously, if you have access to more than one Shadow and Pain box, and are splitting it, this is the best option in value for money, but I think you’re still going to need to shell out the 140$ for a Keeper of Secrets no matter what you do.

There you have it my takes on the Shadow and Pain box from GW. These usually go pretty fast and GW doesn’t always reprint them, so if you’re on the fence about picking one up, you might want to gobble it up.


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