GW Announces New Years Day Preview This Friday

new gw previews adepticon LVO nova openGW just announced another preview on New Years Day to finish out the Holiday season! Let’s check out the details.

Warhammer Community just let us in on what’s coming next for Warhammer Stores and beyond!  Let’s check out what GW is doing to close out the holidays.

gw-preview-40k-may-23Buried inside the WHC weekly video was the announcement of a New Years Day Preview. Since there’s no Twitch schedule, we can only assume it will be very similar if not identical to how they did the Christmas Day preview. If you missed it, we’ve gone ahead and included that below, along with all the context leading up to it.

..and on New Year’s Day, we’ll have a sneak peek preview at some of the incredible model releases coming along in 2021.

Be sure to check back on Friday in order to check out the newest previews when they drop as well, but for now, let’s go over all the latest previews starting with some models that were previously hidden in plain sight.

Hidden In Plain Sight: New Slaanesh Models Incoming

Back during the Decadence and Decay Online Preview, we got a look at the new Sigvald and some of the new Slaanesh Mortals lineup. We covered him and his new friends here if you haven’t seen it.

As it turns out a closer look at the teaser video reveals even more units- hidden in plain sight! 

Symbaresh Twinsouls out of focus modelsFirst up the shot with the Symbaresh Twinsouls, shows some out of focus models behind them. These both look like two large beast-men/Slaangors. The left model also has the same black leather leg covering as the new Slakeslash in Direchasm, which we thought it was at first…

slaangor fiendbloodsThis comes from a Warhammer Community article a few weeks ago. While they don’t really go too in-depth they do give out some lore tidbits on each of the included units. So we know that Slaangors are coming. It also sorts of matches up with the fuzzy models from the video still above.

The right model face matches up with the left model and the left face matches up with the right model in the video.

Myrmidesh Painbringers out of focus modelsBack to the Decandance and Decay preview, In the shot of the Painbringers, we see a few more fuzzy models. One of which is the Shardspeaker of Slaanesh who was revealed on the 4th of December, and also apparently a Warcry Model.

Another is the Lord of Pain from the Shadow and Pain boxset.

shardspeaker of slaaneshThis model was revealed officially on the 4th over on Warhammer Community. Which is pretty clearly the model on the right side of the image.

Lord of painThe Left side of the image is the Lord of Pain. This one is also pretty clear, we can see his shoulder plate, his leather boot, and that humungous mace. Check out all our coverage of that box, and the Lord of Pain here.

new slaanesh minotaursHowever, right in the middle is something we haven’t seen, and looks completely brand new. The huge arms and roughly bull shaped heads might mean Slaanesh Minotaurs are on the way. They also seem to potentially be positioned very close together and conveniently on one base.

This can mean a few things.

  • A large Lord of War-style character with Minotaurs on his base? Maybe a minotaur chariot?
  • A new Chaos war shrine-style model? I think it’s the latter, we can’t see the top, and it does look like they may be carrying something.

Either way, tons of Slaanesh in on the way for both Warcry, and by proxy Age of Sigmar! There’s a mix of models already out, brand new releases, coming very soon, and perhaps unannounced unknown models still. 

New Hedonites of Slaanesh Battletome Revealed For AoS

hedonites of slaanesh battletomeFrom the grim darkness of the far future, our festive sleigh ride takes us to the Mortal Realms. In our last Warhammer Preview Online, we showed off some of the incredible new Hedonites of Slaanesh models that are on the way, including the legendary Sigvald the Magnificent. 

Not to mention the hidden models we just went over as well!

Slickblade Seeker


Slickblade Seeker 2Riding their Exalted Steeds of Slaanesh into the heart of battle, they sever heads and limbs with their deadly glaives.

These brand new mounted units are the Slickblade seekers and are a complete unit of cavalry for the new army.

Blissbarb Seekers


Blissbarb Seekers 2If you prefer to bring pain from a distance, the Blissbarb Seekers will be right up your street. With the speed of their mounts, they can unleash a volley of arrows from the perfect position on the battlefield.

While they don’t explicitly say it, these look to be the same kit with different unit options to build. Since the Twinsouls and Painbringers are already confirmed to be that way, this wouldn’t be a surprise.

The Slaangor Fiendbloods


The Slaangor Fiendbloods 2The Slaangor Fiendbloods value slaughter at any cost, fighting with a frenzied disregard for their own safety.

As we talked about above, we saw a small image of these in the video and on a Warhammer Community Warcry post, but now we get the full Image! Although they don’t have the sword that the Direchasm Slaangor has, so he might have the upper hand in that department. Changes are both the Warcry and Underworlds models will all have rules in this battle tome though, as we have seen in the past!

Blissbarb Archers


Blissbarb Archers 2


Blissbrew HomonculusFinally, we have the Blissbarb Archers on foot. They’re accompanied by a Blissbrew Homonculus, who cooks up especially toxic concoctions for the archers to dip their arrows in before firing them. 

These are interesting. We don’t know if the Homonculus is included in the unit or a separate character. Either way, it is nice to see some potential depth and strategy involved in playing the army.

There’s still plenty more to come from the new battletome. If you think we’re teasing you by mentioning that but not showing you more just yet, well, that’s exactly what Slaanesh would want.

We’re not sure if that means more models, or if that just means there are a ton of rules previews on the way to show how potentially how Slaanesh mortals work with Slaanesh Daemons- or the opposite and don’t work with them at all…

With that done, the next big reveal was for 40k!

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Old Rumors and Engines Coming To The Surface

new lelith 2After the past previews on the Indomitus/9th Edition launch day, there was a “mystery model” that fit the bill for Lelith Hesperax.

rumor engine drukhariWe’ll admit, the dagger threw us off when we first saw it. Nothing about it screamed Dark Eldar, although we did take a shot in the dark guessing it could be for some Wyches.

rumor engine 7-14-20However, we called a new Lelith months ago once we saw these strands of hair with barbs in them. Being the only girl crazy enough to weaponized her hair, this was a dead giveaway.

lelith hesperax

lelith hesperax 2For a better angle, you can see a striking similarity between Lelith’s current model’s daggers and the one in the rumor engine from above. As for the hair, you can see some long flowing strands with barbs tied in, and the symbol on her bracer was a dead giveaway too that Xenos was getting new models soon.

As for the Palatine, we saw her entire model and even some rules previously.

Palatine sistersThis senior Sororitas is an experienced battlefield commander, equally at home fighting alongside her Order’s Canoness or taking charge in her absence. In addition to offering the Adepta Sororitas a dedicated ‘fighty’ character, the Palatine’s zealous presence will bolster her Battle Sisters thanks to her Fury of the Righteous ability.

Fury of the RighteousGiving a buff to your units is never a bad thing! And with the rerolls of hits, plus her you can really up the efficacy of certain units. But with some rules already made for her, the Sisters could be one of the earlier armies we see a codex for.

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Piety & Pain Box Set

piety and painBoth of the characters are coming in the new Piety and Pain Boxset. There isn’t a release date or time frame, however, it’s confirmed and we know it is definitely coming at some point in 2021.

piety and pain contentsWe also get a peek at the contents of the box. There looks to be a combat patrol’s worth of models for each side even including transports for each army.

lilith model

Looks like our predictions were right! We will be getting a new Lilith model within the boxset leading the Drukhari forces.

lilith detailsThe undisputed queen of the Wyches is reimagined in plastic for the first time, deadlier and more dynamic than ever.

This model is extremely dynamic compared to the old model. Instead of standing on her base, she leaping off of it ready to strike!


palatine modelWhile we already saw the full Palatine model earlier, GW does confirm her placement in the new boxset facing off against Lilith. This poor unnamed character might not stand much of a chance lore-wise, but anything is possible with faith!

What do you think about Holiday previews? What do you think is planned for New Years? Are you excited about the next year of Warhammer? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!