Blight-Hauler & Bloat Drone Death Guard 40k Rules SPOTTED!

Don’t miss the new 9th edition 40k rules that were spotted for the Blight-Hauler & Bloat Drone coming in December’s Death Guard codex.

Recently we saw new rules for the Miasmic Malignifier on Warhammer Community and even Typhus’ stat line. Now we have some of the new 9th Edition 40k rules for the Blight-hauler & Bloat Drone! Let’s take a closer look at what we know is coming in the Death Guard Codex so far!

GW Confirms New Death Guard Terrain & 40k Rules!

Nurgle TerrainHere is the video it was spotted in! You can see it is pretty massive compared to those weeny Death Guard! Honestly, it looks about the height of the new Necron Terrain. So they may be trying to bring some continuity to the army line-ups. If you want to see more about what’s going down with the upcoming army releases, check out what we know about what is on the way in 2021.


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New Nurgle TerrainHere it is in it’s full Nurgle glory. A pretty fun sculpt that captures the essence of a decaying plague furnace! Let’s hear a little what GW has to say about it:

Super-gross, right? And no, we don’t want to think about what sort of vile fluids are being pumped around in there, let alone the toxic fumes being spewed forth from its chimney. But irrespective of your own opinions on the matter, the Death Guard love everything it has to offer! This is no surprise, really, as its presence makes these notoriously tough champions of the Plague God even harder to kill thanks to its Putrescent Fog ability.

Putrescent Fog

Putrescent FogNothing too crazy, but giving your backline units some extra survivability is never a bad thing! You have to be pretty close to get the aura, but it could make for a perfect anchor point for your firing base. Although it looks to be 9-12″ wide so maybe it can project its aura out to 21″ to 24″ in diameter?

This is the only rule revealed, but they did give us a small teaser of what else it can do:

What’s more, the Miasmic Malignifier is so contagious (and stinky) that nearby enemies suffer terribly in its proximity. Even if it’s destroyed, the foetid furnace will likely burst in a Putrid Explosion – how wonderfully Nurgley!


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New Typhus Death Guard 40k Rules SPOTTED!

Spotted all over the web, Typhus quick reference IKEA style 40k rules are here, and there are some interesting changes!

Old Datasheet

New Rules

So from the looks of his new Datasheet, we can see a few things:

New bonuses: 

  • +1 movement (up to 5″)
  • +2 Attacks (up to 6)

What we don’t know:

  • Invulnerable save stat and special rules like Destroyer Hive etc.
  • no separate stat line for Blight Grenade

It’s probably worth mentioning that the 4+ invulnerable save for Typhus currently is conferred from Catapharctii Terminator armor, which in the new Space Marine codex is now Relic Terminator Armor with a 5+ invulnerable save.

New Blight-hauler & Bloat Drone Death Guard 40k Rules SPOTTED!

Spotted over on Bolter and Chainsword, both the Blight-hauler & Bloat Drone quick reference IKEA style 40k rules are here, and there are some new changes!

blighthauler new rules

New bonuses: 

  • +1 to hit and to wound (now 3+, was 4+)
  • +1 Attacks (now 4, was 3)
  • +1 wounds (was 8, now 9)

What we don’t know:

  • Special rules
  • +1 to hit bonus while fielding three?
  • -1 to hit in melee?
  • Grant cover to units within 7″?
  • Daemon save?

Overall these are great changes, but when only buffs come to an already good unit… We should expect to see a pretty big point increase as well. Hopefully a balanced one and not one that will nuke them out of playability.

Bloat Drone 40k Rules

bloat drone rules

New changes to statline: 

  • +1 to hit and to wound (now 3+, was 4+)
  • +1 Attacks (now 4, was 3)
  • -1 wound (was 10, now 9)

New changes to weapons: 

  • Fleshmower: -1 strength
  • Heavy Blight Launcher: +1 AP & flat 2 damage instead of D3
  • Plaguespitter: +3″ range (now 12″, was 9″) & 6 strength (Was user strength)
  • Probe: now 1D, was D3

What we don’t know:

  • Special rules
  • Extra attacks with mower?
  • Daemon save?
  • Plague weapons?

It’s important to note that while loses a wound seems bad, getting a non-degrading profile is amazing, so overall this might actually be a buff. Most of the weapons received a slight nerf, so overall the Bloat Drone seems to hover around the same efficiency. GW could do anything with its point values.

death guard codexLook for the Death Guard codex to hit store shelves most likely the third week of December right after the Blood Angels, and Direchasm!

Do you like the addition of terrain pieces into 40k? Are you excited about the new Death Guard Book? How do the stat changes look to you so far?

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