New IKEA Style 40k Rules Datasheets For 9th Edition

primaris space marine wal invictorCheck out these new IKEA style 40k rules for existing units in 9th Edition that were spotted symbols instead of letters on datasheets.

Spotted on sites like Miniwars and La Voz de Horus, there are pictures emerging of newly redesigned datasheets. It seems like they’ve taken a little advice from IKEA!

New IKEA Style 40k Rules Datasheets For 9th Edition

9th edition core rules 2Found in the core book/free rules download on WHC, we’ve got a legend of symbols for what the new datasheets will be looking like.

new datasheet layout 1Moving onto one of the first pictures to get the spotlight on the web, the Invictor Warsuit is shown to have all of the letterings out of the datasheet taken away. They’ve been replaced with symbols just like what we talked about from above.

It’s important to note that while the symbols have changed, the order hasn’t. If you know the sequencing of datasheets it shouldn’t take too long to get the hang of the new format.

new datasheet layout 2Another picture here is of the Canoptek Spyder for Necrons. It’s even got both wargear options with crossed swords showing that the second profile is a melee weapon.

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What’s the Reason For the Change?

new datasheet layout 3Finally, here’s a picture of some Lychguard with different wargear options being laid out. If you notice, there are also a bunch of different languages off to the side which all say “Lychguard”.

What’s the point of the symbol change and having what looks like seven different languages on one sheet? Our guess is that it was done to save on money and resources. If you think about it, GW goes through a lot of hassle to print boxes in all the different languages. It looks like they’re trying to streamline the packaging process. Moving forward, they may just have one printing hoop to jump through…Instead of duplicated different languages. consequently, this cuts down on time and overall resource use for the inserts inside of box sets.

Think about it. Have you ever opened a kit up and found that the last five pages of the instruction book are the same datasheet duplicated in a bunch of different languages? Well now, the future of Warhammer may be based around universal symbols that everybody can understand!

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What do you think about these changes? Is this a smart move on GW’s part? Could cutting the cost of packaging minis make for a price drop in the future?

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