GW Announces Bladeguard Veteran Kit & Release Date!

GW Shipping Blade guard rIt’s happening! Do not miss the unboxing and release date of the Space Marines Bladeguard Veteran kit- these look dope!

You know GW couldn’t go too long without a Space Marines release,  Warhammer Community revealed all the details about the new release including the sprues and some of the ways you can pose these bad boys.

While a ton of people grabbed these in Indomitus, they are finally getting a multipart kit and they look like you can give them a ton of variety. Who doesn’t like having choices? Let’s jump into it!

New Multipart Bladeguard Veteran Kit Revealed!

As of the new codex, Bladeguard Veterans will also be officially picking up the Deathwing/Wolf Guard keywords too, so they’ll seamlessly fit in as members of the fighting elite within the structure of the Dark Angels and Space Wolves Chapters.

blade guard veterans gw preview multi-partThese new Bladeguard Veterans will also be coming in a new multipart kit so you’ll have more poses and kits to choose from. Hurrah for freedom of choice! They showed off a ton of new poses for them as well and with some added flair.

You know you want fancy Marines, don’t lie.

Also, there are still dozens of releases coming (and plenty of Space Marine ones), if you want to see everything still waiting in the wings, check it out here.

Bladeguard Veteran 3If you really want your Bladeguard Veterans to show off, there are also some additional options that offer you the chance to add character to your miniatures. These include the iconic you-will-be-the-next-to-die pointing arm and hand-on-sheathed-sword-pommel, and the Sergeant scornfully wiping his blade clean of heretic blood. Remember that cleanliness is next to God-Emperoriness.

Bladeguard Veteran 2You can also throw the Storm Shields on the backpack, that way you can model each one with two weapons in hand if you want. Might as well give them all the gear.

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Bladeguard VeteranThe new poses do look pretty sweet! Also, you’ll get all three options for the Sergeant, the neo-volkite pistol, the heavy bolt pistol, and the plasma pistol. Just to note though, if you’re tired of Marine releases, they have more coming. But if you do play the poster boys, it’s hard to complain about all the releases they’re getting!

The Sprues

Bladeguard Vet Kit

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Bladeguard Vet sprue


Bladeguard Vet sprueThey include enough components to assemble three Bladeguard Veterans in an astonishing variety of dynamic poses and wargear combinations. 

This fantastic kit will be available to pre-order on Saturday the 30th of January..

Basically, you’ll get three character style sprues in the kit, which is actually becoming kind of rare. This shows GW isn’t pushing everything to push-fit and will still have some kits with tons of bits. Who doesn’t just love bits? You’ll also be getting 7 head options, so if you want them all with or without helmets, you can go either way or mix and match.

Not much longer to wait now to get on the pre-order of these, since it’s almost the end of the month anyway!

Will you be picking this kit up? Are you excited for a more posable Bladeguard squad?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!