3 Big Reveals For New Be’lakor Daemon Prince Miniature!

Be'lakor-Daemon-Prince-hidden-plain-sight3 big reveals hidden in plain sight give us an idea of how the new Be’lakor Daemon Prince miniature will actually look!

A couple of days ago on Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community, they revealed a ton of images of the new mini. While they didn’t come out and say it or show a full-sized pic, we know who it is.

If you want to see the teaser, you can check it out here, but don’t worry, we’ll have plenty of pics below!

The Preview We Saw for Be’lakor

If you blinked you may have missed it, these snippets were shown at the end of the latest GW preview, which seems to indicate a new Be’lakor miniature is on the way. If so it probably won’t be too long before the internet dubs him, SWOLE-akor !

This is the current model for him, take a quick look, and then dive into the new sculpt screencaps below!

Be'lakor Daemon Prince old

A lot of this model’s features match up with the teaser below, from the hooks on his tabard and wings to his horns, and chest tattoo.

Be'lakor Daemon Prince Preview


Be'lakor Daemon Prince Preview


Be'lakor Daemon Prince Preview


Be'lakor Daemon Prince Preview


Be'lakor Daemon Prince Preview

Diving Deeper into the New Be’lakor Daemon Prince Mini

Be'lakorThis is where the first big changes come in, a scenic base!

Be'lakor Daemon Prince Preview

While he has an AoS model on the base, it would make sense that they also just give a see of 40k miniature bits to use as well and boom, double release.

Or you can just put one of your own on there! Perhaps more important of note is the size of his foot, as from this angle it appears to be roughly Greater Deamon size and NOT Deamon Prince sized, which if true could be very curious indeed.

They did tease the model in a release with no 40k stuff in it, but since he already has rules in 40k, he is a dual release basically no matter what. Even if they don’t sprinkle him in with more Chaos releases, at least you’ll be getting one new mini.

Maybe they will also give him some rules as they’ve done with the limited releases for 40k to get 40k players a little more hyped for his triumphant return.

Subtle Design Changes

Be'lakor Daemon Prince Preview Something else new is his flaming sword, but if you see the artwork above, he has been drawn with a flaming sword before. You also have to look at the angle, instead of holding it over his head, he seems to be holding it at a downward angle (note terrain in the background for horizontal perspective).

This isn’t a huge change, but it will give the mini a very different feel, as it probably the new model’s pose will be a cross between the artwork and the old model above with a sword at the side, pointing to his next challenge.

Be'lakor Daemon Prince Preview The last big change on the mini itself is the Chaos symbol looks to be inset instead of bumped out. We think this is way cooler and gives the mini some cooler painting options. But all that is just about the mini, what could this teaser mean for the factions that can use him?

Could the Release Herald Bigger Things?

slaves to darkness mounted chaos lord

Since they released his teaser with so much AoS stuff, we think this could be a precursor to a bigger Slaves to Darkness or Daemon release.

While the Slaves to Darkness already had a focus in the Morathi book, that doesn’t mean they can’t just get a separate release. While we don’t think it’s happening too soon, it does bode well for them. Especially with a recent Rumor Engine that looked very much like it could be for them as well.

Slaves to darkness start collecting

Let’s be honest, they really need it! Considering they have some seriously old minis in the line and you can’t even get some of the minis in the Start Collecting box on their own. Or, he could always be done with a bigger Daemon release in the next Broken Realms book. Since we haven’t seen their supplement it is very possible.

Could it Mean Anything for 40k?

dark chaplain rumors chaos space marineWhile a Slaves to Darkness or Daemons release is all well and good, what could it mean for 40k? Well, if nothing else, you get a new Belakor mini to play with as the rules for him are still current and found in the old 8th Edition Chaos Index.

Chaos doesn’t seem to be on the near horizon with Dark Eldar, Adeptus Mechanicus, and Orks the next most possible releases it could happen(we can dream). But, it looks more likely that Chaos players will just get a single new mini. But the hope for a new datasheet still remains!

Lastly, if Games Workshop does a big Daemon release for AoS, that could mean a new Daemon one for 40k as well right around the same time…

Do you like the new improved Be’lakor Daemon Prince? Who do you think we’ll see him released with?

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