40k Piety & Pain: Palatine, Lelith Unboxing & Build

Piety and Pain feature rThe 40k Piety and Pain box has arrived at the studio, let’s see Rob’s thoughts on it in our latest unboxing and build!

We’re back unboxing the new Drukhari and Sisters of Battle contents of this box! Rob sees what it takes to get them ready for the tabletop, shows the size of the models, tells you the GOTCHAS to be aware of when building them, and if he thinks this box is worth the money, on your own or splitting it with a friend. 

We are going to show you everything including the sprues, bits, and of course what actually comes in the box and if it’s worth it or not. That way you can decide if this is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars.

40k Piety & Pain: Palatine, Lelith Unboxing & Build

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Piety and pain boxThe box set runs for $170 but did sell out very fast with all the allocation, unfortunately. But if you want to see more about the actual value of what’s in the box, you can check that out here. Since we’ve unboxed the other minis in the set, we’ll be focusing on the new characters today.


Piety and pain spruesLike with all the box sets, they just give you a ton of sprues in a single box, which can take some diving to get everything organized.

Palatine SprueThe Palatine is very detailed but has some fiddly parts, so could be a pain to build. They did a good job of hiding the gaps but does look like there will be seam lines to trim.

The Lelith sprue looks even more detailed, but also looks a bit like a jigsaw puzzle. Hopefully, this will go together without too much hassle, but there are tons of little spindly parts.


Piety and Pain instructionsIt is nice that GW has been laying out the sprues in these boxes for you, that way you know which sprue is for which minis.

Palatine InstructionsThe Palatine has a lot of little parts that all have to come together at a single junction. It does look like it slots in well but could be an issue with how the legs line up with the torso.

Lelith instructionsLelith has a lot of very tiny parts that attach at strange angles and fairly precarious. Since you have to build the body, attach it to the leg, and then finally it locks together. They at least give you the 360 views, so hopefully, that makes the build not too bad.

Palatine Assembly

Palatine AssembledShe actually went together way easier than Rob expected. Everything slots in pretty nicely and the model looks really cool overall with fairly dynamic posing and a lot of detail.

Lelith Assembly

Lelith Assembly


Lelith Assembly 2Building her was, well, not as easy as the Palatine. Rob had to dry-fit every single piece and they are all just really fiddly. But that being said, Rob is in awe of the design of this model. It looks great, is super dynamic, and just full of detail but watch out and dry fit everything first, otherwise you’ll have some issues. Rob used the Tamiya Extra Thin Cement to make it easier, and once you manage to get everything slotted, it goes together very well. Just take your time, follow the instructions, and you’ll get through it!

Lelith detailThe amount of detail they were able to fit into this is quite amazing.

Size Comparisons

Lelith Size ComparisonLelith comes on a 32mm base and stands about as tall as a Primaris, but obviously far less chonky! Also, huge thanks to Liber Daemonica for the painted Marine!

Palatine Size ComparisonThe Palatine also comes on a 32mm base and is just slightly smaller than the Primaris.

Overall Rob thinks this is a decent set with some cool minis. If you split this with a friend it’s definitely worth it!


Miniature drop patreonLastly, people who support our Patreon get minis from these unboxings every month. So if you want some cool minis like this, be sure to check out our Patreon. Not only can you get exclusive models like this, but you also get up to double your money back in miniatures as well.

What do you think of the box? Were you able to pick one up?

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This post contains affiliate links, as an Amazon Associate Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.