All the GW Collectible Coins So Far & What’s Next

warhammer-coins-gw-store-promotion-collectibleWith the Be’lakor Coin release, we’ve actually seen six of all the GW collectible coins so far. Check out everything that’s been released and what could be next!

The promotion has been going for a few months now, but if you haven’t heard about it, here are some quick details. You head to your nearest GW store, and if you spend $100, you get the coin (while supplies last).

They do one about every month and the coins are based around a new faction getting a release that month. But, just because your favorite faction is coming, that doesn’t mean they will get a coin. Especially for 40k right now, as it has only technically received two of the coins so far. 

Also, if you collect at least six of the coins, you can also grab a nice little binder to hold your coins. 

All the GW Collectible Coins so Far & What’s Next

morathi collectable coinThe first coin of the promotion was to herald in the Morathi book. It got people pretty excited to get some collectibles and a free mini with each month of promotions.

NEw Collectable coinThis was the Death Guard coin, which was shown back in November but wasn’t released until December. Like we said before, you have to spend over $100 to add any of the coins to your collection. Which kind of sucked for DG players, because you couldn’t spend any of that hundred on new minis since they weren’t out yet!

Buy one get one Free! Choose from hundreds of minis now!

february free models and coinJanuary took a little break from the promotion and we didn’t see a coin until February. The February coin coincided with the big release of all the Hedonites stuff as well as a free Daemonette. We’ve now have had three months straight for AoS coins since the 40k releases have been so delayed.

Lumineth coin promotion
Last month saw the release of the Lumineth coin, but again, there was no new stuff to buy when it was available. So hopefully you needed some other reinforcements for your army!

Newest Coin

Be'lakor Coin releaseThe newest coin looks pretty sweet! You’ll have to spend $100 to get this, but Be’lakor is probably going to be over that anyway, but we doubt this will actually come out at the same time as him in the month. If you’ve grabbed all of the coins so far, you’ll only be one off from being eligible for the coin holder, as you need 6 to qualify.

Suprise New Coin Added!

Ultramarine Coin

GW sneaked in a new coin when they announced the re-opening of their UK stores recently.

For starters, you’ll find three collectible coins to pick up – one each for the Ultramarines, Be’lakor, and Lumineth Realm-lords – so if there’s been a conspicuous hole in your coin collection until now, you’ll be able to get all three once your store opens up. Talk to your store manager for more information on how you can get them!

You’ll also be able to choose your Miniature of the Month from all the months you’ve missed, so make sure to ask your store manager which ones are available.

uriel ventris coin

Right now it’s unclear though if it is available outside the UK, but if this eBay listing is any indication, some stores here in America have received them as well.

If your closest store is still closed due to COVID restrictions, GW had this to say:

Is your closest Warhammer shop closed due to Covid-19? Don’t worry – we’ve got a plan for that, too. All the exclusive coins and models will be made available as soon as they open back up, according to local guidelines.

Coin Holder

coin colleciton book

Once you have collected six of the collectible coins, you will be eligible to get a coin booklet you display your growing collection! Since no one can grab one of these until next month, we’ll have to see how it works when people start actually trying to grab them. But, if you already have grabbed all the coins, might as well get this as well. It’s pretty cool and if you like to display your collectibles and make your fellow hobbyists jealous, this is the way to go!

What’s Next?

Ork Collectible CoinWe’ve seen an Ork coin spotted in the wild, and with some new minis previewed, we could see that before too long!  This is the first coin we spotted for the green guys, from the 40k Orks Facebook Group, but we also found one on eBay. With the coin coming from a reputable seller, it feels like the stores really might already have these in stock! Still, with the slowdown, who knows when we’ll actually see it. Hopefully, GW picks it back up and we can get back to two codex releases a month so we could see new Orks before too long. 

dragon ogre shaggothThe next most likely books that could get a coin right now would either be, the Sisters, Ad Mech, or the new Broken Realms book, Kragnos. We don’t know too much about the Kragnos book yet, but they have basically given a coin to every Broken Realms book, so it seems very possible we see that soon.

The Sisters have had a ton of new minis previewed, and don’t seem to be coming out until May, so it’s possible they get the next one. Let’s hope so for 40k players because AoS has just been dominating the promotion.

Have you been getting any of the coins? Are you excited about the possible Ork coin?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!