New Sci-Fi Grots, Orcs & Discounts from Hardcore Minis

Hardcore Minis Feature rThese new sci-fi goblins and Orcs from Hardcore Miniatures are so much fun! Not only that, the big guys are on sale as well!

Hardcore Miniatures are constantly coming out with some amazing alternative minis, and their Orc line is truly next level. Still, the Orcs shouldn’t get all the glory, that’s why they are also showing some serious love to the gobbos.

The new boss-style minis are insane and will make for perfect Nobz. Whatever you use these for, they will look great on the tabletop and make the other Greenskin generals jealous.

Plus keep reading for an exclusive discount code to use on your next order as well!

Ricktaz The Furious: $23.00

Hardcore minis Orcs


Hardcore minis Orcs 2This mini comes with a ton of pieces and really can be made to do anything you need! If you love what Hardcore Miniatures is up to, check out what else they have going on here. Here are the specs on this one.

This set consists of 39 resin details and a 40 mm plastic base. The set allows assembling 1 miniature of space orc leader. There are 3 head options and 6 weapon options that allow assembling any option you need for your tabletop games.

Big Blasta: $25.00

Big Blasta


Big Blasta 2


Big Blasta 3They are really giving you all the options! Here are the specs on this giant Orc:

This set consists of 42 resin details and a 40 mm plastic base. The set allows assembling 1 miniature of space orc leader. There are 3 head options and 7 weapon options that allow assembling any option you need for your tabletop games.

Wasteland Lord: $23.00

Wasteland Lord


Wasteland Lord 2


Wasteland Lord 3Just like with the other 2 this has an insane amount of bits and for the price, this is hard to beat! Here are the specs on this one:

This set consists of 39 resin details and a 40 mm plastic base. The set allows assembling 1 miniature of space orc leader. There are 3 head options and 6 weapon options that allow assembling any option you need for your tabletop games.

Sci-fi Goblins:

sci-fi goblins 2


sci-fi goblins 3


sci-fi goblinsWhile the big guys are awesome, the little guys really steal the show. From stepping on traps to yelling at troops to carrying bombs. These little guys are cheap and add so much to your army!

Now you can even get an extra 5% off all the products at Hard Core minis by using the following code: HARDCORESB

Get Your Orcs Here & Save!