Biggest Space Marines Points Changes 40k Chapter Approved 2021

Chapter-Approved-40k-wal-horTons of new points changes are coming to Space Marines and Imperium via the 2021 edition of Chapter Approved. Let’s check out the biggest changes.

Spotted on Reddit, one user broke down all the biggest points changes for a majority of the Space Marines Factions.  They all look correct to us, but you can also check them out for yourself over on Imgur at these links: Space Marines, Space Marines & FW. With that in mind, let’s jump right in and see how the meta might shift.

chapter approved header

If you missed our thoughts on the other points changes from this book you can check them out below as well!

Space Marines

combat patrol space marineChief Apothecary up 20 points.
Plasma Inceptors up 5 points from the latest FAQ, bolter variant down 5
Stormspeeders are down 15 points for all variants
Eliminators are down 15 points for the squad. las fusils down 5.
All Gladiators down 20 points for all variants.
Land Raiders down 20 points for all variants
Repulsors down 20 points for both variants
Storm raven down 20 points
Attack Bikes up 5
VG Vets – Jump pack up by 1, SS up by 1

A very surprising change here was that Plasma Inceptors got NERFED as they are a very good anti-armor option, but strangely enough, Eradicators didn’t get touched, which are arguably better and overall more popular.

Also the staple Vanguard Vets in a lot of lists probably all just went up 2 points, which is sorta a lot when you figure most run 10-20 of these models right now.

Gladiators and Land Raiders going down 20 points is a lot, but it’ll be interesting to see if it’s enough to give them a chance in the competitive scene or not.

Blood Angels, Dark Angels, and Space Wolves

blood angels combat patrolBlood Angels
Sang guard up 2 ppm
Dante down 10 points
Sang Ancient down 15

Dark Angels
Talonmaster up 15

Space Wolves
Fliers down 20 points
Wolf Guard (no change), so cheaper than VG Vets

Blood Angels aren’t popular but we don’t think it’s because Dante or the Ancient were too expensive, these changes probably won’t help them much. Space Wolves on the other hand, just had a list make first place over the weekend that played a ton of Wolf Guard. That list may rise a ton in popularity with the NERF to Vanguard Vets since so many people are playing Vets right now.

Ad Mech and Custodes

admech combat patrolAdmech FW – Unchanged
Custodes FW
Telemon +20
Caladius Grav Tank -20

As the newest faction update, Ad Mech seems strong, but not so strong that GW wants to instantly disrupt them. Custodes on the other hand, have not been updated in a hot minute and have had some decent lists rise up in competitions. One of the reasons is undoubtedly the Telemon Dreadnought, as such it’s going up in points.

Is 20 pts too much and will push it out of playability? Maybe, but it was almost starting to become a staple for the army in 9th.

The Grav Tank buff might help them out and balance it out, but a Telemon at 300 now for one of the more popular builds may make people think twice about them now…

Do you like the look of these point changes? Are you going to pick any new models up to change your lists?

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