GW Announces New Warhammer+ Plus Animation Preview

new gw previews adepticon LVO nova openGet ready for big things this weekend as a giant Warhammer animation preview is on the way – check it out!

Warhammer Community just unveiled the schedule for the upcoming preview that will include Hammer and Bolter.  They have been really stepping up the animation game lately and we are all for it. Because who doesn’t love watching cool Warhammer stuff?

Warhammer Animation Preview 2They didn’t give too much away, but looking at the pics, tons of 40k stuff is on the way. Also, it looks like three totally different styles will be featured, so there should be something for anyone. Let’s check it out!

Warhammer Animation Preview Coming This Weekend

Warhammer Animation PreviewThis weekend, we’ll be gleefully spilling the beans in the Warhammer Animation Preview Online. Want to know what’s coming, and where and when you can watch it? This is the show for you! The preview will take place live on Twitch at 6pm (BST), and we’ll round all the news up in an article right here on the Warhammer Community website for those who can’t tune in live.

Take a look at the schedule above to see when the fireworks start in your neck of the woods, and set aside some time on your calendar to join us. Believe us when we say you don’t want to miss this one.

It won’t be terribly early for those in the US, which is nice as sometimes they can be. If you are a fan of animation, be sure to check-in and see what’s coming. Let’s take a look at the one poster previewed.

Warhammer Animation Preview 3Orks, Sisters, Marines, and Psykers oh my! Hammer and Bolter is an anthology-style show, that just has a really cool animation style. With so much to pull from, we hope this is going to be as amazing as we want it to be! This will be a 6 part series (based on this preview) and will cover large portions of the universe. So hopefully they will cover most factions so no one is left out. Also, if you want an idea of what the series will look like, check out the video below!

This is a long time coming as this was put out over a year ago. We’ll know soon if the time put into it was worth it or not.

Are you excited about the upcoming preview of  Warhammer+ Plus? What do you hope is announced? 

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