Lord Kroak Broken Realms Kragnos AoS Rules CONFIRMED

By Andrew Schrank | May 29th, 2021 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

lord kroakThe real AoS Warscroll rules for Lord Kroak are here finally after some fake ones were spotted earlier this week.

Warhammer Community recently unveiled one of the strongest mages to ever grace the mortal realms for the upcoming Kragnos Broken Realms book. 

While he already has a model, it really needed an update, especially because it is still in Finecast! The new version is definitely much bigger and more imposing on the battlefield. Since the old Slaan kit was almost identical, this could also be a multi-functional kit for both.

Let’s check out the new model!

The events of the Broken Realms are so cataclysmic that they threaten the Great Plan of the slann, and Lord Kroak is roused from his contemplation to intervene directly. Even after all this time, Kroak only seems to have grown in power. This is represented in your games with a new warscroll – but you’ll have to wait a little longer before we can tell you more than that.

Lord KroakWhile they don’t give any new rules, at least we know he’ll be getting them. The new model looks great, and finally, one of the most powerful mages of all time will actually have the mini to match! We’ll see how this build goes because there is not a ton of connection points for how big this looks. Let’s just hope it doesn’t turn into another Silent King-type situation!

Lord Kroak Broken Realms Kragnos AoS Rules CONFIRMED

Spotted among fake rules earlier, we got a confirmed set of rules right out of the new Broken Realms: Kragnos book.

Lord kroak oldRight before we head into the new rules, here are the old ones just in case you needed a reminder of the type of model we are dealing with here. In case it wasn’t clear, Kroak is a legendary Wizard and his tabletop rules reflect that.

Here are his new rules, from what appears to be the instruction manual for the model itself.

lord kroak new 2One of the biggest changes to note is the jump from 7 to 18 wounds, making Kroak much more durable.

  • Master of Order got upgraded to a Supreme version, now adding 2 to cast and deny values instead of just 1.
  • Gift of the Heavens has also got updated to a Supreme version, this time allowing you to target D3 Seraphon units instead of just 1.

Speaking of 18 wounds…

dead for innumerable ages

This means not only is Kroak super-resilient, he also could die if you roll a bunch of 5’s and 6’s.

Overall this means Kroak will be even better at casting and denying, plus he’ll be an even better hero in your army allowing a few units every turn to fly and be tougher against ranged attacks.

What do you think about these rules? Are you excited about the official changes when they come?

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