New Soulblight Gravelords AoS Points Values SPOTTED!

soulblight-gravelords-vampires-titlePoints values coming in the new Soulblight Gravelords battletome have been spotted, let’s break them down to see how the Vampires will fair.

With the Soulblight Gravelords Battltome arriving this week, some players have gotten a copy early, meaning we all get to check out the new rules as well! Let’s check out point changes and the cost of new models.

These were all spotted on Imgur. they also have most, if not all, of their of the rules, if you would like to check them out as well.

New Soulblight Gravelords AoS Point Values SPOTTED!

vampire point values

New models seem about right for points, it does however hurt a ton that the Cursed City models are clumped together for a whopping 700 points taking some flexibility away. Luckily Radukar the Beast has pretty much all of The Wolf’s ability but is just stronger for 300 points, so if you wanted a small Radukar, you may be better off taking the bigger one, for a more flexible list.

There are a ton of “battle line if” clauses too, which adds a huge layer of flavor to your lists and makes allegiances and generals an even more important choice. Assuming they are all decent options, in the long run, this is a cool mechanic at the very least.

As for changes to old models, a user on the accompanying Reddit post for these battletome images, posted a list of the changes with possible reasoning for us all to look at which we have not double-checked for accuracy.

Soulblight army rIt is however a good place to start if you were looking for a specific unit, or updated perhaps.

*Stolen from a Facebook group comment *

Skeletons: +5pts, max reduced from 40 to 30
Dire Wolves: -2.5pts, but now bought in blocks of 10 instead of 5
Zombies: -2.5pts, max reduced from 60 to 40, now bought in blocks of 20 instead of 10
Fell Bats: -5pts, max reduced from 12 to 9
Bat Swarms: Deleted
Grave Guard: No changes
Vargheists: +5pts, max reduced from 12 to 9
Black Knights: Max reduced from 20 to 15
Blood Knights: +15pts
Corpse Cart: No changes
Mortis Engine: +20pts
Zombie Dragon: -5pts
Terrorgheist: +5pts
Coven Throne: +70pts
Bloodseeker Palanquin: -10pts
Vampire Lord: No changes
Necromancer: -5pts
VLoZD: -5pts
Prince Vhordrai: -5pts
Wight King on foot: -5pts
Wight King on steed: +10pts
Mannfred: +40pts
Neferata: +25pts
Nagash: +95pts

So as you can see some models are getting pretty big price hikes, and there is some talk that this is leading up to the Age of Sigmar 3 rumor of widespread price hikes. If true it’s kinda a bummer for players with larger forces but technically does make it easier to make a full army to play with for new players, or if you want to try different factions.

All of the point drops were very underplayed other than the wolves which now have the caveat of having min squads of 10 instead of 5.

From the looks of it, the return of the Vampires seems to have a huge flavor win and fill into the fantasy of powerhouse characters with cheap waves of bodies to soak damage for them.

Latest Legion of Blood Dynasty Rules from GW

Immortal MajestyThis is a nice little rule that could really add up in extra casualties over the course of a game. It’s also pretty flavorful, because who wouldn’t want to flee from a vampire smashing through their lines?

favored retainersFavoured Retainers applies to Black Knight cavalry, who can be taken as Battleline units in the Legion of Blood, plus Deathrattle units like Wight Kings, the elite Grave Guard, and others.

This is a pretty big radius and never getting negative modifiers is honestly really sweet! Especially when you consider it’s on both rolls for melee attacks.

Aura of Dark MajestySometimes a vamp is so enthralling, how could you even want to hit them? A nice little buff for your general to give them some innate survivability.

Ring of DominionWhen you compare this to the one from yesterday, this seems to have a lot more use. Even though it’s only on a 5+ you can use it each time the bearer fights. The other is once per game and usually only D3 wounds. If you get lucky this can deal some serious damage.

Dark MistThis goes with the theme of them being a little more durable compared to the other dynasties. They really went with a nice flavor for the dynasties revealed so far.

Do you like the look of the new vampires? How do you think the new Soulblight Gravelords points values will play out?

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