2 Books Instead of 1: Slaanesh Getting Lumineth Treatment

Hedonites of slaanesh rWith new Slaanesh minis already hitting the table, will the Hedonites of Slaanesh get a split release like the Lumineth Realm-lords?

While they just received their battletome, there is a lot of evidence pointing to a split release. This wouldn’t be out of the norm, especially when you take a look at how the Lumineth, Marines, and Necrons were split up. Some could even say that those player’s faction was basically held hostage for no reason other than for GW to turn one release cycle into two.

sisters of battle army boxIt’s happened with a bunch of armies (including Sisters of Battle, Ad-Mech, and of course, Space Marines who saw three codex books in a span of three years). These are just a few examples and fresh in our minds.

lumineth realm lords box alt

With rules and “limited edition” box sets quickly becoming a consumable product we’ll compare this release to the Lumineth Realm-Lords’ and explain why we think another double release is on the way.

Are Hedonites of Slaanesh Getting the Lumineth Treatment?

Daemon of Slaanesh 2Since these came in a Broken Realms book, it doesn’t mean we can’t see another Slaanesh release early on in 3.0. Also, with things like Charadon and the Broken Realms books, GW doesn’t have too many qualms about putting out rules and new minis just months later. Let’s look at how their release compares to the Hedonites. Also, with the new version of AoS on the horizon, they could easily get another round of minis and rules.

Comparing the Releases

teclis model


Glutos OrscollionFirst, they grabbed Teclis, which is a similar type of mini to the Glutos Orscollion in terms of their big guy. The Teclis mini was way more expensive, but that’s a discussion for another day…

Light of Eltharion


Sigvald the Magnificent

While these two are a little different in terms of rules and such, they are of similar size. Basically, the way looks to be one really big mini, a few medium-sized, such as this, and then a handful of troops.

lumineth realmlords auralan sentinels 3


Blissbarb ArchersAh, the obligatory archers. What army would be complete without some foot-slogging archers?

The Scinari Cathallar


shardspeekerNext, they both received some smaller characters to help round out the army. While the Hedonites did grab more stuff overall, they are still missing a few key features. Let’s next look at what they haven’t received quite yet, that almost all armies have.

What They Still Don’t Have

Shrine Luminor

First up is the terrain piece, basically, every newer army is getting one. This is a big sign towards a split release. Because it would be strange to give them to pretty much all the newer armies, and then just leave one out for the Hedonites.

Hurakan Spirits of the Wind

With the latest release, the Realm-Lords received a plethora of characters. While the release of the Hedonites saw a few, they really only saw four and the Lumineth now have way more. So just like the Daemons, we could easily see them fill a character role for them.

Vanari Starshard Ballistas

This one is not as big, but, without any artillery or similar pieces, this could very well be another addition to a split release.

Final Thoughts

Daemon of SlaaneshWhile getting new minis is always great, this means buying more rules! This means in just a few months’ time you end up spending over $100 on just rules. But it’s more than just paying for the rules, it’s constant rules creep that is very frustrating. But, if you love the Hedonites, and they get a split release, that just means more minis to hobby on in the end.

So, are Hedonites of Slaanesh Getting the Lumineth Treatment? well, if it’s anything like the Lumineth release, we don’t have too long to wait now in the age of third edition…

Do you think we could see a second wave before too long? How have they been performing for you? 

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