More New Sisters of Battle Models Hidden in Plain Sight (sorta)

sister wal hor Adepta Sororitas sisters of battleThe ole interweb was ablaze with more Sisters of Battle models hidden in plain sight, but it may not quite be what people were thinking…

A recent picture in an email from GW (May 31), and then a subsequent reposting of the same picture in a Warhammer Community article had people thinking we all somehow missed a couple of new models for the Sisters of Battle.

Well, that’s not really the case, unfortunately, as it turns out it was just Games Workshop showing off some clever ways to build the minis.

So, we’ll break down the miniatures, show you where they came from, and even how to build them if you want to add them to your army. Let’s get into it!

New Sisters of Battle Models Hidden in Plain Sight (sorta)

New Sisters minisThis right here is the pic that got everyone seemingly all riled up. They used some bits combinations and paint schemes for these we haven’t really seen for these models before. The combo of the two may be what almost makes them look like new models.

Junith Eruita Kit

Junith EruitaThe one on the right is from the Junith Eruita kit but with a different head. You can even see how her left hand is just kind of hanging there like she should be holding it on the pulpit. They also went with a white scheme for the robes, which is obviously much different than the mini above.

So if you want her on the battlefield all you have to do is buy the kit, plop the mini onto a base, and you’re good to go.

Sisters of Battle Cannoness Kit

CanonessThe mini in the middle is a mixture of all three styles above. With the head from the top right, but looking the other way. The Brazier of Holy Fire from the middle one. Then lastly the backpack and gun from the one on the left.

So that all just comes in the kit and would be easy to make.

New Sisters minis

Celestian Sacresant

Celestian SacresantsLastly, the mini on the far left is just a Celestian Sacresant. So just buy the new kit for them, and you’re good to go.

Were you fooled, or did you sniff this out right away?

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