RUMORS: First 4 Battletomes Coming to AoS 3.0

Age-of-sigmar-3.0-wal-hor-title-rulesThe interwebs are ablaze once again with rumors, here’s the current word on the first 4 Battletomes coming to AoS 3.0!

Wondering if your army is getting a book early into the edition? Well, if they are on this list you’re in luck, if not, they are just rumors, so there’s still a chance you could be getting an early book. With that said, these are pretty solid for rumors, and we expect them to be pretty close.

Obviously, lots of things are changing with the new edition, so it makes sense for some older factions to get updates first. We’re not a hundred percent sure how many new minis will be added with each release, but we expect every army to at least grab a new character and maybe a unit. Some of the older ones, like Ogors, hopefully, get way more than just a new character…

Let’s get into the rumors!

RUMORS: First 4 Battletomes Coming to AoS 3.0

new sigmar dominion stomcastsWell, let’s start with the obvious Orks and Stormcast. With all the new minis they are receiving and being in the Dominion box, they will be grabbing the first two books. So now that the obvious is out of the way, we’ll get into the more “rumors” side of things.


99120201079_MKMaggotkinOfNurgleBoxThe boys of Nurgle look to be receiving the first book, it’s been a little over 3 years (at the time of writing) since they received a battletome, so it feels about the right time for them to finally get an update.

We’ve also seen some Rumor Engines that hint toward some Nurgle-looking hints. So, if you play them, be on the lookout for an announcement soon.

Gloomspite Gitz

gloomspite gitz age of sigmar how to playAgain, this is about a 3-year-old book, with how much things have changed with AoS in that time, not to mention a new edition, they need a little bit of work. They are still performing okay but could use some reworks.

We’re not sure what new minis they will get, as their model line isn’t that old. Still, they will probably get a new champion or two, or at least a couple of reworks.

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ogors reinforced batsLet’s just say we are hoping beyond hope this is true, and that basically, they get a rehaul on almost all of their minis! We don’t even care about the book so much, just the need for some new minis!

A large portion of their units is from before the change over to AoS, meaning they haven’t been touched in years and years. This could be a massive overhaul, or if GW doesn’t feel like it, maybe they just redo a unit or two. Let’s just hope that’s not the case!

Beasts of Chaos

beasts of chaosYou know an army needs a rework when the pictures on the site for multiple of their units are still on square bases. It’s like GW just didn’t even care enough to change them to the new format over the years.

So, yeah, they need a rework and new minis! Maybe they and Ogors can come in a new starter box together with all new minis! One can dream, but according to these rumors, we don’t have that long to wait until we know for sure

Do you think this looks like a reasonable roadmap? What are you most excited about? 

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