Thousand Sons New Infernal Master 40k Miniature!

new-thousand-sons-codexIt was only a matter of time before we saw what the Thousand Sons Infernal Master miniature actually looked like, and it’s awesome!

Warhammer Community just unveiled the newest mini coming to 40k! We’ve known this mini was coming since they released its name in the Chapter Approved from a while ago, so it doesn’t really do much to confirm or deny any of the rumors we’ve seen.

Thousand Sons Infernal MasterWho cares about rumors though when there’s a confirmed new mini to look at! It honestly has a really cool flow to it and has interesting lore behind it, so let’s jump into it!

New Thousand Sons Infernal Master Mini Revealed!

Thousand Sons Infernal Master 2Infernal Masters are sorcerers of the Thousand Sons who specialize in daemonology, enabling them to strike bargains with the powers of the warp to secure otherworldly aid. Of course, Infernal Pacts aren’t the only tricks available to Infernal Masters – they’re Psykers, too. That means they also get to wield powers from the two expanded psychic disciplines available to the Thousand Sons. Sounds cool, huh?

Thousand Sons Infernal Master 3So not only will these be able to buff up your units (we’ll cover some rules in a second) but they will also be able to have powers from 2 revamped psychic disciplines! It looks like if you love the psychic phase,

T Sons are going to be better than ever before at it! The only thing a little disappointing, they do show him with the old-style minis, meaning this might be the only new mini they are getting in this release?


Thousand Sons Infernal Master rulesEvery Infernal Master knows two of the six Infernal Pacts that feature in the new codex, each of which summons tutelaries from the warp to intervene on the battlefield. Picture the scene – you’re lining up for a charge, but you don’t fancy suffering the molten fury of a unit of Salamanders Aggressors armed with flamestorm gauntlets on the way in. Strike a pact with some Capering Imps, and watch your opponent’s confidence turn to concern.

This can be really useful against certain armies, especially with all the rules giving people cover all the time now. Plus, as they said, if you need to get a charge off and don’t want to face tons of overwatch, this is pretty sweet. They only show two of the Infernal pacts, so we’ll have to wait for all six to come out before we judge too much.

Thousand Sons Infernal Master rules 2Imagine your opponent’s face when your Rubric Marines let rip into their lines with Strength 5 warpflamers.

Adding Strength to your weapons is never a bad thing, especially when you need to cut down some Space Marines, adding that Strength to wound on 3’s will always be super sweet!

They say they’ll be showing a bunch of new rules, so if you’ve been wondering how your army will change, be sure to check back all week for everything!

All the Latest News on the New Thousand Sons

What do you think about the new mini? Do you like the rules shown so far?

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