10 Warhammer Vinyl Funko POP! Figures We’d Like To See

draigo-funko-popHere are the 10 Funko POP Warhammer figures that we’d love to see Games Workshop green light for the second wave of collectibles!

If you look at 40k and Age of Sigmar’s universes, there are some extremely bad to the bone characters that we feel would make an awesome addition to just about anyone’s hobby corner.

Check out these 10 vinyl figures we want to see next.

10 Warhammer Vinyl Funko POP Figures We’d Like To See

funko pop space marine 2In case you missed the figures that Funko POP! has already done, we’ve already covered them here.

10. Smash Captain

smash captainSmash Captains have been probably THE MOST iconic Marine unit in 8th edition, and seeing a cartoony Smash Captain would be super cool.

9. Ghazghkull Thraka

ghazghkullGhazghkull’s 40k release was an answered prayer to a bunch of Ork players out there. But it also makes sense that, because he is THE Ork, he should get his own Funko!

8. Eldrad Ulthran

Eldar EldradKeeping the ball rolling on iconic characters, Eldra has appeared in probably 90% of Eldar lists that run Craftworlds in some form. Wouldn’t it be sweet to see a cute version of this psychic powerhouse on the shelf?

7. Mortarion & Magnus

Mortarion Death GuardMortarion and Magnus are about as iconic together as the Smash Captain we talked about earlier. The Brothers popped up in just about every Chaos list in the earlier days of 8th edition. It would be especially cool if they got some Funko POPs fist-bumping each other.

6. Kaldor Draigo

Kaldor DraigoDraigo would be a more unique sculpt as he’d also be the first Funko POP! in Terminator armor. But now that Grey Knights are a really strong contende, the big Imperial psychic man himself would be a sweet thing to see.

5. Sigmar

sigmar walNow for Age of Sigmar! Starting off, Sigmar would be sweet to see sitting on a throne in the Azyr. With his golden armor and big Viking beard, he could be the centerpiece for an at-home hobby display in a Stormcast collection.

4. Lady Olynder

Lady Olynder gives the maximum spook in Age of Sigmar. But it would be pretty sweet to see a Funko-fied version of her drop as well. It would take some creativity because of her unique model (she doesn’t even have legs) but it would stand so far out from the normal figure style that it would probably attract a bunch of people.

3. Rotigus

rotigusRotigus would be an easy one to pull off. Just get make sure he’s extra round with a few tentacles and BAM. Nurgle Funko, ready to rock and roll. The best part is that he’d pull fans from 40k and AoS to collect.

2. Cave Squig

colossal squig 3A Squig of any kind would be another awesome thing to see. Squigs are already the comedic relief to the Warhammer universe and Funko could make them extra cute and wacky.

1. Ogor Tyrant

Ogor ogre kingdoms tyrant Age of SigmarA Tyrant would be another sweet model to see. Showing a little more love to Mawtribe fans, a Funko Tyrant would probably be extra CHONKY with a cartoony gut plate and weapons.

Get Your 40k Funko Pops Here!

While our list didn’t have any particular order of priority over them, the models in this lineup would add a bunch of variety to the Warhammer/Funko partnership. We haven’t even seen Funko POP! venture in the Age of Sigmar yet. But that doesn’t mean it can’t happen!

What would be your list of Funko POPs you’d like to see? Should they start moving into the Age of Sigmar universe next?  

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