Don’t Call It a Comeback, Squats Have Been Here for Years!

warhammer 40k squats the truthEveryone wants to see the Squats make a comeback in Warhammer 40k to the point it’s basically a meme, but they keep getting teased by GW…

The one question that burns through your mind and ours every day: is there still hope for Squats in 40k? Maybe, just maybe.

Over the past few years, there have been some clues pointing to a possible Squat comeback. A triumphant return to the limelight could very well happen and we will be laughing with joy!  Next to Plastic Sisters of Battle, Squats may be the next biggest hobbyist’s dream for a Warhammer 40k army release.

Still, we’ve actually seen a couple of minis for them in the past few years, since the big reveal by Duncan in the reset the clocks video back in 2018.

Now that we’ve got your hopes way too high, let’s look at everything SQUAT in Warhammer 40k right now.

The Squats in 40k We’ve Seen

Let’s start with the two models we’ve seen hit the shelves in recent years, then go more in-depth into the other rumors.

ragnir gunnstein

Ragnir is a Squat ammo-jack who can be taken along by any team. Help keep your gang’s shooting strong with three ammo crate models as well! If the new squats all look this cool, who wouldn’t collect them?

ragnir gunnstein 2He was released back from Forge-World in July 2019 so it’s been a couple of years since he came out, however, he is just the second Squat released by GW since, well like forever…


Grendl Grendlsen came out about a year earlier and we’ve been dreaming about Squats in 40k ever since. Even though there are only two models, GW hasn’t been one to only make one-offs recently. There have been some Necromunda hangers-on that are sort of their own thing, but they are generally from a previous race.

Squats are interesting because they are something entirely their own, and we know how GW loves to bring things back for a new release if they think they have a market for them!

What the Future Could Hold

squats in psychic awakeningSpotted on Imgur, we’ve got a snapshot of the Squat’s story in Psychic Awakening. Essentially, there’s some kind of Imperial ship that is getting pulled in by a weaponized gravitational field. Note that they’re in a sector called 47-Grendel and oddly enough, guess what the Necromunda model is called? Grendl Grendlsen (this may or may not be a coincidence lol).

Grendl Grendlsen, Squat Bounty Hunter £18Grendl Grendlsen

Now, talking about the gravitational field, we know that Squats (while they were canon) lived in worlds that had gravitational pulls two-to-three times stronger than that of Earth’s.  For the most part, a planet purely inhabited by Squats is thought to be non-existent. The guy in the story is having his mind blown by the fact of what he’s seeing because the Imperium taught him that there’s no way Squats could be alive with their own planet, much less a whole starship.

Finally, this biggest cliffhanger of all ends with “That (v)essel belongs to Squa(ts)…” 

As we know, GW doesn’t like to release lore or artwork for things they aren’t making minis for. While this isn’t the biggest thing ever, we’ve been hearing rumors about something bigger for this little faction that may be coming sooner rather than later…

Or as the Games Workshop studio explained years ago, Squats are not coming back (well in 2018 they technically did, so… Myth Busted there we suppose).

With all this said, perhaps there’s still a chance for more Squats yet… don’t lose hope!

Do you think we could see Squats make a triumphant return?

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