Hidden In Plain Sight: New 40k Grey Knights Combat Patrol Box

grey-knights-codex-titleCheck out the possible contents of a new 40k Grey Knights Combat Patrol box set image, and what the overall value could be!

These are designed for new players to the factions just like the current Start Collecting Sets that GW introduced back in 2016. They are being marketed as a quick way to get a small force on the table and playing some small games right away. Most of the time the starter-style kits are a pretty good value, so even if you have some minis already, this could be a decent value.

Take a little salt with this one, because while we see what appears to be a new Combat Patrol in the codex, it may end up being different than what was pictured (just like with the Necrons and Space Marines).

Ork Combat Patrol (1)Whereas the Sisters of Battle one was the exact same as pictured in their codex, along with the Orks that is pictured above.

With that said, let’s get into the value!

Grey Knights Combat Patrol Box: $140 (Rumored)

Grey Knights combat patrol realConsidering every one of the boxes has been $140 so far, we’re going to be using that as the baseline for the pricing. The contents of this are pretty useful for either veteran players or novice alike because it has actually useful units inside. Let’s get into the value.

deamonslayer-knight mkii 2New MKII Design- Get it Now!

  • 5 man Strike Squad $35 ($60 for 10)
  • 5 Man Terminator Squad $54
  • Nemesis Dreadknight $60
  • Terminator Librarian $35 

Total MSRP: $184

Total Value: $44

Well, let’s hope this one isn’t the exact box because the value would be pretty sparse. Maybe if they just added a full Strike Squad it would bump the value up to about $70. Either way, we probably don’t have too long to wait.

Another Grey Knights Release?

Hexfire boxGW likes to use the Combat Patrols, along with the characters (like the ones in the Hexfire box) as a way to keep release waves going for the army without really coming out with new minis.

So chances are we could even see the Character models from Hexfire, along with a Grey Knights and Thousand Sons Combat Patrol Box release in October similar to the separate Sisters releases from earlier this year as well.

october release missing roadmap

October also makes a great spot for this release because there seem to be no dedicated 40k codex books slated for then.

However, it seems unlikely GW would forget to release Warhammer 40k models for a whole month heading into the holidays… right?

Do you like the minis included? Do you think this will be the actual box?

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