New Cabbalistic 40k Psychic Rules for the Thousand Sons

thousands-sons-codex-titleThe new Thousand Sons can pool their resources for even more psychic devastation with the new Cabbalistic Psychic rules- check it out!

Over the weekend we saw some IKEA-style datasheets for the new Strike Squad box, so we already know the Grey Knights are getting a serious buff. The real question is though, how will the other side of the box shape up?

Warhammer Community just unveiled a bunch of the new rules for your Psykers in addition to some Warlord Traits and how to upgrade your Sorcerers. Plus, they also showed off the nine different Cults you’ll be able to choose from but didn’t give too much in the way of rules for them yet.

Let’s first check out the powers from yesterday, then hop into the new rules.

Thousand Sons Psychic Powers

Thousand Sons Psychic PowersThe sorcerers of Tzeentch, for their part, can simply hit the rewind button if one of their own has their time cut short. Imagine the look on your opponent’s face when you return a Scarab Occult Terminator, simply erasing the hard work they put in to take it down. 

Returning the model on only a 6 with all wounds is pretty strong. While the Psyker has to be within 6″, bringing something back like a Terminator can be really annoying for your opponent.

Thousand Sons Psychic Powers 2The Thousand Sons are jealous of all power, and their answer to the Empyric Lodestone is Empyric Trespass. It works in a twisted way, of course, but it’s extremely effective in softening up a juicy target.

Re-rolling dice is always strong, and just like the Grey Knights power, this can be used by as many units as you need to kill them.

Thousand Sons Psychic Powers 3When all else fails, the arrogant and headstrong Sorcerers of Tzeentch will resort to simply trying to force their will upon other Psykers in a psychic wrestling match. What a power move.

Against enemy Psykers, this is quite nasty. Subtracting two after taking a Mortal is just annoying.

New Cabbalistic Psychic Rules for the Thousand Sons

Cabal pointsAt the start of your Psychic phase, you generate a pool of Cabal points depending on the number and type of Psykers in your army. You can spend these Cabal points to augment the capabilities of your psykers – and you’d be mad not to, as you’ll lose any left unspent at the end of the phase. As with many Tzeentchian abilities, there are nine Cabbalistic Rituals to choose from, each of which costs between 3 and 9 Cabal points to use.

This is an interesting mechanic, but it might get annoying to count and track every turn as your models die off. Still, it’s a pretty thematic addition to the army.

Cabbalistic focusImagine you’ve just manifested Twist of Fate with the fiendish intention of robbing Roboute Guilliman of his hefty invulnerable save before charging him with Magnus the Red for a game-changing (and now likely to be very one-sided) Primarch fight. But just as you’re about to indulge in a suitably evil chuckle, up steps Chief Librarian Tigurius, intent on thwarting your dastardly plans by denying the psychic power… Not today, Tigurius!

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This is obviously strong when you really need a certain power to go off. This is the second-highest value power, so expect the 9 points one to be even better.

Cabbalistic rulesMaybe you’re in the same situation, but you failed Twist of Fate’s casting value by a single point – not unlikely, considering its premium warp charge value of 8. No big deal. Get by with a little help from your friends.

The power of this one comes in after you’ve cast, so whether you want to push it further for a harder denial, or if you failed by one, this will make you pass the test. Pretty cool mechanic.

New Cult Rules

T Sons Cults


T Sons Cults 2First up, there will be 9 to choose from and each looks to have its own traits, relics, and powers. That’s going to be a lot to choose from, and we’re sure there will be some wild combos.

Cult of t sonsWith this ability at their disposal, your Warlord will be better able to blast, melt, and sear the souls of your enemies with a psychic onslaught of the most destructive powers available to the Thousand Sons. What’s more, there are 18 psychic powers available to the sons of Magnus – 9 each from the expanded Discipline of Change and the all-new Discipline of Vengeance – so you’ll have plenty to choose from.

Re-rolling is always a good thing without having to use CP. So, if you really are rolling bad, with this and a CP, you’ll be able to re-roll two tests a turn.

Legion CommandThey’ve been doing this with most armies lately, and it’s a fun way to upgrade your unnamed characters to have a little more power. They also say any model with Sorcerer in the name can use this.

What do you think about the new rules? Will you be picking the new box up?

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