New Thousand Sons & Grey Knights Psychic Powers!

Grey-Knight-Thousands-sons-codex-wal-horWhat better way to kick off the GW confirmed rules than with new Thousand Sons and Grey Knights psychic powers- check it out!

Over the weekend we saw some IKEA-style datasheets for the new Strike Squad box, so we already know the Grey Knights are getting a serious buff. The real question is though, how will the new psychic powers shape up?

Warhammer Community just unveiled a bunch of the new powers your Psykers will get in addition to their normal powers. Meaning if you choose a specific Subfaction, you will get Stratagems, Relics, Warlord Traits, and these powers. Let’s first look at some of the buffs coming for Grey Knights, then hop into the powers. Or, you can see all the rules previewed so far at the links below.

New Grey Knights 40k Rules CONFIRMED!

If you’ve bought a 40k kit in the last few years, you know how the datasheets inside look. So, no real abilities, but plenty to talk about still.  This image of what appears to be the Strike squad stats from an instructions pamphlet was spotted on Imgur.

grey knights 40k pamphlet rules

Here is a quick rundown of the rules that look extra spicy!

Stat Line Changes: CONFIRMED

  • 2 wounds, 3 Attacks (4 for the Justicar). This goes for all the regular power armor guys, meaning they all grab an extra wound and 2 extra attacks. Which is just insane! This also means Termies will probably have 4 attacks base, but that’s just a guess for now. 

Shooting Weapon Changes: CONFIRMED

  • Storm Bolter – 24”, Rapid Fire 2, S4, AP0, D1
  • Incinerator – 12”, Heavy D6, S6, AP-1, D1
  • Psilencer – 24” Heavy 6, S4, AP-1, D1
  • Psycannon – 24” heavy 3, S7, AP-1, D2

The Psilencer losing some power is a bit of a bummer but does have a lot of shots. But again, we haven’t seen the abilities or powers yet. So you might be able to buff all your weapons? So don’t get too worried yet. The Psycannon still looks pretty strong, so no worries there. 

Melee Weapon Changes: CONFIRMED

  • Force Sword – S+1, AP-3, D2
  • Force Falchion – S User, AP-2, D1
  • Daemonhammer – Sx2, AP-2, D3
  • Force Halberd – S+2, AP-2, D2
  • Warding Stave – S+3, AP-1, D2

Force Halberds are now essentially going to be S6, which can really come in handy whether you’re fighting T3 or T5. Against T4 it doesn’t change much. The Force Sword basically becomes a Master Crafted Power Sword, which is nice and could actually be a viable choice.

deamonslayer-knight mkii 2New MKII Design- Get it Now!

So overall, this looks like big buffs all around if you ask us!

Grey Knights Psychic Powers

Grey Knights psychic powersThe Grey Knights have access to eight new Brotherhoods, with signature Stratagems, psychic powers, and Warlord Traits. These subfaction psychic powers are taken in addition to the powers they already know, empowering your Psykers without taking anything away. This Brotherhood spends as much time honing their ritual discipline as their battle skills. They’re able to strip elite soldiers and fodder-like cultists of their sorcerous protection, leaving them vulnerable to massed storm bolter fire or heavy weapons fire.

Denying Auras is always really nice and can help you destroy those high-priority targets. They also say there will be 8 sub factions, but they only showed us 3 of them so far.

Grey Knights psychic powers 2If the Grey Knights want to make sure they inflict more casualties than the Thousand Sons can undo, they’ll call in the Swordbearers’ contingent of tanks and gunships. Few units can withstand concentrated heavy fire from this Brotherhood.

This is really strong because you’re selecting an enemy unit, not one of your own vehicles. Meaning if you need more than one vehicle to take out the unit, they all get the plus 1.

Grey Knights psychic powers 3The 4th Brotherhood has weaponised a similar sort of mental manipulation, amplifying and returning the enemy’s fear in the form of excruciating psychic feedback.

If you can cast this on a unit that wants to move and do another action, you could realistically do 2D3 Mortal Wounds. Which is just a fun additional power to deal damage.

Thousand Sons Psychic Powers

Thousand Sons Psychic PowersThe sorcerers of Tzeentch, for their part, can simply hit the rewind button if one of their own has their time cut short. Imagine the look on your opponent’s face when you return a Scarab Occult Terminator, simply erasing the hard work they put in to take it down. 

Returning the model on only a 6 with all wounds is pretty strong. While the Psyker has to be within 6″, bringing something back like a Terminator can be really annoying for your opponent.

Thousand Sons Psychic Powers 2The Thousand Sons are jealous of all power, and their answer to the Empyric Lodestone is Empyric Trespass. It works in a twisted way, of course, but it’s extremely effective in softening up a juicy target.

Re-rolling dice is always strong, and just like the Grey Knights power, this can be used by as many units as you need to kill them.

Thousand Sons Psychic Powers 3When all else fails, the arrogant and headstrong Sorcerers of Tzeentch will resort to simply trying to force their will upon other Psykers in a psychic wrestling match. What a power move.

Against enemy Psykers, this is quite nasty. Subtracting two after taking a Mortal is just annoying.

What do you think about the new rules? Will you be picking the new box up?

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