Age of Sigmar 3.0 FAQ Errata Rules Breakdown

new-aos-3.0-faqGW just gave us a massive Age of Sigmar 3.0 FAQ and Errata, today we are going to jump into all the changes for the game in general.

Last week, we took a look at how the FAQ changed the factions, this week, we’re covering everything else! There is a lot in this one so grab a drink and let’s dive in.

Age of Sigmar 3.0 Errata: All the Rest

New Be'lakor

  • Broken Realms: Be’lakor
    • Krulghast Cruciator, Empowering Excruciation Change the second sentence to: ‘The Deathless Spirits battle trait negates wounds and mortal wounds allocated to friendly Nighthaunt units wholly within 12″ of any friendly empowered Krulghast Cruciators on a 5+ instead of 6+.’

Makes the Cruciator a lot more defensive when his ability goes off. This model is pretty much a must-add to Nighthaunt armies now, which is in desperate need of a battletome update.

  • Broken Realms: Kragnos
    • Synessa, Keywords Add the Wizard keyword to the keywords section.

Adds a wizard keyword to Synessa for rules clarification which was probably an oversight by GW. No other changes though which this book came out right before 3.0 so no big surprise there.

  • Broken Realms: Morathi
    • Coalition units do not count towards battleline units but do count towards the leader, behemoth, and artillery units. They cannot be generals and are ignored when determining if all units are from a single faction.

No changes to this book which is no surprise as it came out close to the AoS 3.0 launch.

  • Broken Realms: Teclis
    • Coalition units do not count towards battleline units but do count towards the leader, behemoth, and artillery units. They cannot be generals and are ignored when determining if all units are from a single faction.

No changes to this book which is no surprise as it came out close to the AoS 3.0 launch as well!

Monstrous Arcanum & Core Rules:

Broken Realms headers

  • Compendium: Monstrous Arcanum
    • Updates Warscrolls
    • Updated Points

All the warscrolls and points were tweaked a bit for all the forge world models.

  • Core Rules
    • Q: If an ability allows a unit to receive a command without the command being issued and without a command point being spent, does the restriction that you cannot use the same command ability more than once in the same phase still apply? A: Yes.

Rules clarification for free command abilities, most people were already playing this way.

  • Q: 7.0 states ‘In addition, in your hero phase, you can use friendly Wizards to attempt to cast spells… and both to attempt to dispel endless spells’ but 19.3.2 states that ‘At the start of the hero phase, each player can attempt to dispel 1 Endless Spell…’ Can you clarify which takes precedence? A: 19.3.2 takes precedence over 7.0.

Endless spells can be dispelled before casting is attempted, so you get a shot at dispelling an endless spell before your wizard is nuked off the table.

  • Q: If a unit that receives the Redeploy command also receives the Unleash Hell command in the same turn, can that unit shoot? A: No.

This one stings a little as people would use redeploy then unleash hell if the charge still went through. Nerf archers a little bit but they are still strong in this edition.

  • Q: Can a unit finish a move halfway or up the side of a wall on a terrain feature? A: Yes

Seems silly to me, you’re going to have people showing up with blue tack to do this… Either you have the movement or not IMO.

  • Q: Can a unit jump down from a terrain feature if the distance to the battlefield is greater than that unit’s Move characteristic? A: No.

Gravity always wins…

  • Q: 10.0 states ‘you make shooting attacks with each model in the unit until you have shot with all the models you want to’ but 13.1 states ‘you must pick the target unit (or units) for all of the attacks that will be made by the models in the unit’. Can you clarify which takes precedence? A: 13.1 takes precedence over 10.0.

Must pick your targets just like melee before you roll the dice.

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Age of Sigmar new rulebook

  • Q: What happens if a model making a pile-in move is equally distant from 2 enemy units at the start of the move? A: It must finish the pile-in move no further from each of those enemy units than it was at the start of the move.

Can mess with positioning if you charge in with two separate units and force your opponent to not be able to engage as much as others. Can be useful in the right circumstances.

  • Q: In section 14.3 of the core rules, ward rolls are made to negate a wound or mortal wound before it is allocated to a model. However, many units in the game have abilities that trigger when a wound or mortal wound is allocated to a friendly model. Can I use abilities that negate allocated wounds or mortal wounds after a ward roll? A: Yes

You can roll a ward save for a model before allocating a wound or mortal wound to a unit that can take damage for a hero.

  • Q: Some older abilities give ‘bodyguard’ effects (such as ‘Guardians’ on the Vanari Bladelords warscroll or ‘Selfless Protectors’ on the Saurus Guard warscroll) that allow damage that would be allocated to a friendly Hero to be allocated to a different friendly unit. Can I use abilities like this before or after I make ward rolls for that Hero? A: No. These ‘bodyguard’ abilities are used instead of making a ward roll for a wound or mortal wound that would be allocated to that Hero.

This is confusing as it seems to contradict the above rule. This states that a bodyguard ability is used instead of a ward save that would be used by that hero. Though then the unit can make a ward save I suppose.

  • Q: Some factions can add terrain features to their army after the battle begins. Do the game terms faction terrain (17.0.3) and faction terrain feature (23.0) refer to all terrain features with faction terrain warscrolls, even those that are added to your army? A: Yes.
  • Q: If the answer to the above is yes, do these placement restrictions apply to faction terrain features that are set up after the battle begins? A: Yes.

These two are similar, but basically, core rules apply to added terrain as well, and they must follow placement restrictions as outlined in the core rules.

  • Q: Sometimes it is impossible to set up 1 or more models from a unit. For example, rule 17.2.3 states ‘If a defensible terrain feature is being garrisoned when it is demolished… the surviving models from the garrison must then be set up within 6″ of the terrain feature and more than 3″ from all enemy units’. What happens if a model cannot be set up within these restrictions? A: The model is removed from play and does not count as slain.

Most people were playing this way as many rules state if there is no room for a model then it is removed from play.


  • Q: 18.1 states ‘If an objective is placed on the border between two territories, it is within both’ territories. Does this mean these objectives are wholly within both territories? A: No.

Very interesting in that a lot of people counted them as either-or, but it is good to have rules clarification for this. Especially in matched play.

  • Q: 18.1.2 states ‘If a friendly unit has models within 6″ of two or more objectives, you must pick 1 of those objectives for the models from that unit to contest’. Can I pick different models from the same unit to contest different objectives? A: No.

Most people play this way, just a clarification of the rules.

  • Q: Do things that increase the range of a caster’s spells also apply to the distance at which an endless spell can be set up from the caster? A: Yes.

A big boon to endless spell armies, as it adds some distance to your arsenal.

  • Q: When a Priest attempts to summon an invocation, does that count toward the number of prayers that Priest can chant? A: Yes.

Little nerf to priests, but it makes sense as an endless spell costs a spell for wizards.

  • Q: 21.1 states ‘At the end of the charge phase, each player can carry out 1 monstrous rampage from the table below with each friendly Monster.’ If I have a unit that is a Monster that has more than 1 model, can I use a monstrous rampage with each model from that unit? A: Yes

Very interesting in that it makes a monstrous unit much more powerful. Looking at you ogres.

  • Q: Many rules state that a model ‘becomes a ’ or ‘is a ’, where is Monster, Hero, Wizard, or Priest. Do the models these rules apply to gain the relevant keyword on their warscroll? A: Yes. However, if a rule allows 1 model in a unit to be any of the above, only that model in the unit gains the relevant keyword.

Basically, you can make one model a monster, not an entire unit.


  • Q: Some terrain features have ‘IMPASSABLE’ on their warscroll. Is this a scenery rule for the purposes of the ‘Demolish’ monstrous rampage? A: No.

You can’t demolish impassable terrain.

  • Q: Some terrain features have ‘WYLDWOOD’ on their warscroll. Is this a scenery rule for the purposes of the ‘Demolish’ Monstrous Rampage? A: No.

You can’t demolish Wyldwoods.

  • Q: The sidebar note that accompanies 25.3 UNIT SIZE mentions a ‘maximum unit size’ but this is not defined in the core rules. Please can you clarify what ‘maximum unit size’ means? A: A unit’s ‘maximum size’ is the highest number of models that can be taken in that unit. This will vary if a unit can be reinforced, and is determined on a case-by-case basis.

Rules clarification for max size based on the reinforcement rules.

  • Q: Can I take the same core battalion more than once in my army? A: Yes.

Rules clarification but adds more options to armies which are always nice.

  • Q: Can the Flaming Weapon spell from the Universal Spell Lore 27.5.3 be used to pick a mount’s melee weapon? A: Yes.

Flaming teeth, sweet.

  • Q: Are Unique units allowed to take spells from the universal spell lore or prayers from the universal prayer scripture? A: No.

Interesting, unique units must take a spell or prayer from their book, that is a bummer.

  • Q: In Path to Glory, if a unit on my order of battle includes a model that is a Wizard but the rest of the models in that unit are not Wizards (for example, the Steedmaster in a Vanari Dawnriders unit of 3 or more models), does that unit count towards my order of battle limit of Wizard units? A: No.

Rules clarification on battle limits which is always nice to have.

Generals Handbook and Wrath of the Everchosen Errata:

  • Q: If I add units to a Contest of General’s army after a battle has started, can I do so in excess of any limits that apply? For example, could I summon extra Behemoths if my army already included the maximum number it can take? A: The limits on the number of Leaders, Artillery units, and Behemoths only apply when you are picking your army, so you can ignore these limits when you add these kinds of units to your army. The limit on Unique units still applies, however (you can never have more than 1 of the same type of Unique units in your army)

Makes sense you can’t add the same unique twice, but summoning isn’t restricted to army building.

  • Add the following rule: ‘27.3.8 MOUNT TRAITS Some sets of allegiance abilities include mount traits. Each time you take a mount trait enhancement, you can pick 1 mount trait and give 6 it to an eligible Hero in your army. A Hero cannot have more than 1 mount trait and an army cannot include duplicates of the same mount trait.’

A little bit of a nerf to mounts in that the mount trait is considered an enhancement and also follows the rule of one.

  • Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Generals Handbook 2021
    • Q: If I add units to a Pitched Battle army after a battle has started, can I do so in excess of any limits that apply? For example, could I summon extra Behemoths if my army already included the maximum number it can take? A: The limits on the number of Leaders, Artillery units, and Behemoths only apply when you are picking your army, so you can ignore these limits when you add these kinds of units to your army. The limit on Unique units still applies, however (you can never have more than 1 of the same type of Unique unit in your army).

Makes sense you can’t add the same unique twice, but summoning isn’t restricted to army building.

  • Q: Can you clarify when the Burning Head endless spell is removed from play due to its Flaming Skull ability? A: After rolling for all units within 1” of it at the end of its move and allocating all of the mortal wounds caused as a result.

Rules clarification on the Burning Head spell, which I don’t think anyone takes.

  • Q: The Predator’s Domain grand strategy states ‘When the battle ends, you complete this grand strategy if you control more terrain features than your opponent.’ When do I check for control of terrain features for this grand strategy? A: When the battle ends.

Rules clarification which is always nice for matched play.


  • Q: The Hold Your Ground rule of the Power Struggle battleplan states ‘…once you have controlled that objective for two of your turns consecutively’. Does this mean I can gain control of an objective, lose control of it in my opponent’s next turn, and then gain control of it back again in my next turn and still score from it? A: Yes.

Rules clarification is always good for matched play.

  • Q: If a Pitched Battle Profile for a unit appears in the most recent General’s Handbook, can I use that unit in Pitched Battles even if that unit is not listed in the table of a specific faction? A: Yes.

General’s Handbook triumphs any previous Handbooks, which makes sense.

  • Q: The Marking Territory battleplan on page 22 does not use victory points. How do I fill in the scoring sheet for it? A: Just put a ‘-’ in each box on the Victory Points Scored column and fill in the rest of the sheet normally.

Record keeping clarification.

  • Pages 24 and 25 – Savage Gains, Victory Points Change the second bullet point to: ‘- Score 2 victory points for each objective you control that is not on the border of either player’s territories.’

Word changing to Savage Gains to fill out the central objectives so that there are no arguments.

  • Page 36 – The Vice, The Vice Change the second paragraph to: ‘At the start of the fourth battle round, before determining who has the first turn, remove all 4 objectives from the battlefield and place a new objective at the center of the battlefield.’

Clarifies that there is only a single objective in round 4, not 4 different objectives.

  • Page 4 – Doralia ven Denst and Galen ven Denst, Notes Change the Notes to ‘Single, Unique’.
  • Page 8 – Elathain’s Soulraid, Unit Size Change the Unit Size to ‘4’.
  • Page 10 – Scinari Loreseeker, Notes Change the Notes to ‘Single, Unique’.
  • Page 23 – Khagra’s Ravagers, Notes Change the Notes to ‘Single, Unique’.
  • Page 27 – Soulblight Gravelords Replace the merged profiles for Radukar’s Court with the following individual profiles for each of the units in the Court:
  • Page 27 – Soulblight Gravelords, Terrorgheist, and Zombie Dragon Change the Notes to: ‘Single. Battleline in an Avengorii Dynasty army.’

Some edits to the Soulblight Gravelords armies that were missed when the GHB 2021 came out.

Wrath of the Everchosen

everchosen army shot

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Wrath of Everchosen

  • Q: If I roll ‘Unleashed Power’ on the behavior table for a wandering endless spell, is that endless spell removed from the battlefield after the effects of that roll has been resolved? A: Yes.
  • Volatile By Nature Change to: ‘Wandering endless spells work differently to normal predatory endless spells. They are activated after all predatory endless spells on the battlefield have been moved. The players alternate picking 1 wandering endless spell to activate, starting with the player who has the second turn. Unless otherwise stated, any effects and abilities on their warscrolls can be used as normal and are resolved by the player activating that wandering endless spell. Each wandering endless spell can be activated once per turn. To do so, roll a D3 and consult the behavior table below. The behavior table has 3 columns, each with 6 results. The distance between the wandering endless spell and the closest enemy models determines which column you use. Each roll on the behavior table has a corresponding action that the wandering endless spell will perform. The action is resolved before the next wandering endless spell is activated.

Wrath of the Everchose:

These two rules clarify some of the endless spell rules in this book to work in 3.0

  • When you choose a Blades of Khorne, Disciples of Tzeentch, Maggotkin of Nurgle, or Hedonites of Slaanesh army, you can say that it will be a Hosts of Chaos army. If you do so, you must give it a Host of Chaos keyword from the list for its faction that appears below. All units in that army gain that keyword, and you can use the allegiance abilities listed for that Host of Chaos on the page indicated. If a model already has a Host of Chaos keyword on its warscroll, it cannot gain another one. This does not preclude you from including the unit in your army, but you cannot use the allegiance abilities for its Host of Chaos. BLADES OF KHORNE • Flayed (pg 92) • Baleful Lords (pg 93) DISCIPLES OF TZEENTCH • Unbound Flux (pg 94) • Cult of a Thousand Eyes (pg 95) MAGGOTKIN OF NURGLE • Munificent Wanderers (pg 96) • Droning Guard (pg 97) • Blessed Sons (pg 98) • Drowned Men (pg 99) HEDONITES OF SLAANESH If you have a Hedonites of Slaanesh army, you can give a Godseekers, Pretenders or Invaders army the applicable keyword below: • Lurid Haze (Invaders) (pg 100) • Faultless Blades (Pretenders) (pg 101) • Scarlet Cavalcade (Godseekers) (pg 102)

No using multiple battletomes in one army.

  • The Legion of Chaos Ascendant These rules have been replaced and updated with the rules for the Legion of the First Prince in Broken Realms: Be’lakor.
  • The Legion of the First Prince These rules have been replaced and updated with the rules for the Legion of the First Prince in Broken Realms: Be’lakor

If you want to play either you have to buy Broken Realms: Be’lakor now.

  • The Knights of the Empty Throne Change the rules paragraph under the header to: ‘When you choose a Damned Legion keyword for a Slaves to Darkness army using the Damned Legions battle trait in Battletome: Slaves to Darkness, you can choose the Knights of the Empty Throne keyword instead of one of those listed. The allegiance abilities for the Knights of the Empty Throne Damned Legion can be found on these pages.’

You can’t use knights of the empty throne and another battle trait only one

  • The Knights of the Empty Throne, Battle Traits, Fists of the Everchosen Add: ‘In addition, Knights of the Empty Throne Varanguard Heroes have the Leader battlefield role.’

Varanguard are now leaders for issuing commands and things like that.

  • The Munificent Wanderers, One Last Gift Change the rule to: ‘If the unmodified hit roll for an attack made with a melee weapon by an enemy unit that targets a friendly Munificent Wanderers Daemon unit that is wholly within 12″ of this general is 1, the attacking unit suffers 1 mortal wound after all of its attacks have been resolved.’

Changes the attacking roll from a 6 to a 1 so not much of a change odds-wise, though it does make your opponent’s poor rolls hurt more which is always fun.

Where that is a lot of errata we went through here, hopefully, this clarifies some rules that might have come up in your games though it does seem like an awful lot for a game that was just released 2 months ago.

If you want to see the battletome errata’s you can view last week’s article here.

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