Full New Black Templars 40k Release Lineup & Rumors

black-templars-title wal horHere are some new spicy 40k Black Templars release rumors including the full lineup of upcoming new miniature releases and more.

The Black Templars have been a 40k Fan Favorite for over 20 years since the release of the 3rd edition 40k starter set featuring the space-faring legion. Now we know they are getting an army launch box including yet another early access codex book that features the art from that same 3rd edition 40k starter set all those years ago.

Black Templars Army Box Revealed limited edition book

So needless to say Black Templar players’ cups are about to runneth over!

Plus we know the Emperor’s Champion is just one of many new Space Marine miniatures releasing for the chapter, but from the looks of these rumors, we ain’t seen nothing yet!

40k Black Templars Release & Looking Forward

We imagine the new codex book will be an update of the small sliver of rules they got back in Faith & Fury during the Psychic Awakening series of supplement books. We broke down the entire set of rules here when they dropped for 8th Edition back in November of 2019.

Now with the launch of 9th Edition, it’s time for an update.

Overall the Black Templars had a few focuses from Faith & Fury, the first being on improved chaplains and not being able to take Psykers. Granted this was at a time when Chaplains for all Space Marines were getting buffed, however even in lore Chaplains play a pretty big role in the Black Templar dichotomy as well.

The other major updates were to chapter-specific datasheets, and a handful of warlord traits, relics, stratagems, and the assault doctrine. Overall it was a relatively small update since it was packed into a Psychic Awakening it had relatively limited room.

Full New Black Templars 40k Release Lineup Rumors

Black Templars Army Box Revealed gencon

With a new Army Box revealed by Games Workshop, it’s looking like this is just a precursor to a full Black Templars release similar to how the Orks Beast Snagga box, and Sisters of Battle Army Launch boxes heralded in a whole line of miniature releases for those factions.

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While we know the lineup of models in this set, the rest of a potential release lineup has been only been speculated to this point, however, check out these Black Templars release rumors from over one month ago:

Black Templars Army Box Revealed gencon army shot

BT army box in September, containing:

▪ Codex
▪ Cards
▪ Crusader Squad (6 Initiates and 4 Neophytes)
▪ Emperor’s Champion
▪ Seneschal (Marshall)
▪ Redemptor

Well, that lined up pretty well with the latest GW previews, but probably more exciting is the next entry from the above post that has a ton of Black Templars release rumors!

October and November 2021: Complete BT release with




▪Emperor’s Champion

▪Seneschal (Marshall)

▪Initiates (6 Marines with Intercessor CC equipment or auto bolt rifles)

▪4 Neophytes (boltguns or chainswords)

The post goes on with some very specific reveals about new weapon options and even named the Primaris Neophyetes before the reveal!

Black Templars Army Box Revealed sword brother

The Crusader kit will have options for a Sword Brother unit leader with cape, and there’s a 15″ AP-1 flamer.

The Sword Brother kit will have plenty of CC options and the option to make a Marshal (like with the Custodes Warden kit that gives you the option of making a Captain).

There will be two Crusader Squads: the old one that everyone knows and a new one made up exclusively of Primaris. The latter will be 5-11 Primaris Initiates, 4-8 Primaris Neophytes, and 1 Primaris Sword Brother. Neophytes will have 2W and 2A like other Primaris.

There’ll also be a conversion/bitz/upgrade sprue that will have Templar relics on it (so-and-so’s helmet, the sword of such-and-such, etc.), shotguns for Neophytes, and more customisation options like extra arms (Neophyte holding a helmet), or backpack-mounted candles.

There will also be a multi-melta which will become a BT vehicle option. It’ll replace the stubber on Primaris vehicles.

So obviously there are some big tells here and from the timestamp, it looks like this was all spot on, and probably very close to what we’ll see from a new Black Templars as the reveals of both the new Grimaldus and Helbrecht have pretty much confirmed the rest.

Black Templars High Chaplain Grimaldus Revealed!

Grimaldus black templarsGrimaldus earned his title during the siege of Helsreach, when a millions-strong Ork horde fell upon the hive city. After months of intense fighting, the survivors fell back to the Temple of the Emperor Ascendent where they held the Orks at bay until the building itself collapsed around them. 

The new mini is pretty sweet and they really just took the old sculpt and really updated it. He still has plenty of relics, seals, and skulls everywhere! Black Templars are really going to be one of the first armies to more or less go all Primaris.

New 40k Black Templars Helbrecht Kit Confirmed!

Helbrecht 3'

Amazing, right? All jazzed up in his artificer suit of Mark X armour, he looks every bit the no-nonsense crusader that we know and love. The new Helbrecht model faithfully reimagines this classic piece of atmospheric artwork, with the Chapter Master of the Black Templars standing triumphantly over the body of an Ork, the fabled Sword of the High Marshals lodged in its chest.

They definitely kept the feel of the old model and just updated it in both size and detail for the new edition. They did a great job with him and he really looks ready to lead your crusading forcing against the enemies of the Emperor!

Overall it’s a great time to be a loyalist and an even worse time to be a heretic!  Need more on everything Black Templars? Here’s the latest news and rumors for these crusaders!

All the Latest on the New Black Templars

Are you excited about the new Black Templars Army Launch Box? 

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About the Author: Rob Baer

Rob Baer

 rob avatar faceJob Title: Managing Editor

Founded Spikey Bits in 2009

Socials: Rob Baer on Facebook and @catdaddymbg on X

About Rob Baer: Founder, Publisher, & Managing Editor of Spikey Bits, the leading tabletop gaming news website focused on the hobby side of wargaming and miniatures.  Rob has won many Warhammer 40k Tournaments over the years, including the Adepticon Team Tournament and American Team Tournaments, and is on a first-name basis with almost every major company in the space.

He’s all gaming all the time. With over 30 years of experience in retail and distribution, Rob knows all the products and exactly which ones are the best. He advocates for gaming stores and manufacturers in these difficult times, always looking for the next big thing to feature for the miniatures hobby, helping everyone to provide the value consumers want.

While he’s played every edition of Warhammer 40k and Warhammer Fantasy (since 5th Edition) and has been hobbying on miniatures since the 1908s, Titans of all sizes will always be his favorite! It’s even rumored that his hobby vault rivals the Solemnance Galleries, containing rulebooks filled with lore from editions long past, ancient packs of black-bordered Magic Cards, and models made of both pewter and resin.