A new 40k Kill Team Starter Set has been revealed at Gen Con along with the individual boxes for both Orks and Death Korps of Krieg!
GW promised a bunch of previews at Gen Con this year and Kill Team is the second one up. Unfortunately, the new starter is just the stuff from Octarius reboxed in a little different configuration. The good news though?
They have shown the boxes for the Orks Kommandos and Death Korps of Krieg Veterans from Octarius as separate stand-alone releases. Plus, they promised they will be coming soon on their own.
Warhammer Community just revealed the newest boxes and what the individual releases will look like on their own. Let’s get into the reveals, but if you want to see all the Gen Con reveals, click any of the links below (we’ll update them as more comes out).
- Warhammer Underworlds New Season
- New 40k Kill Team Starter & Individual Releases Revealed
- Tau & Sisters Models Spotted Coming In Kill Team!
- New Khorne Blood Bowl Team Revealed at Gen Con
- Black Templars Launch Box Reveal
- Warcry Teasers & Necromunda Releases
40k Kill Team Starter
This beauty brings you all of Kill Team’s key elements to make learning the principles of the game easy. In addition to a double-sided card gameboard and a variety of Orky scatter terrain, it also contains the full complement of Kill Team miniatures for the Orks and Death Korps of Krieg.
If you missed out on Octarius this will probably be a cheaper version if you want the minis and rules. The terrain inside is just going to be scatter terrain, so that means no big pieces. Still, if you’re trying to get into the game this will probably have value for sure, but at a lower price point than the Octarius Box.
The Kill Team Starter Set is the easiest way to learn the game, as it’s been designed specifically for new players. It comes with a Recruit Edition booklet – a 56-page how-to-play guide including a series of tutorial missions – as well as a compact version of the game’s full Core Book and all the tokens you’ll need to play.
As we said, if you’re getting into the game, this will probably be the easiest and cheapest way to do it, if you missed out on Octarius that is. Now, let’s get to the exciting part, the Orks and DKoK are getting separate boxes on their own!
Orks & DKoK Boxes
No, we weren’t teasing you – by popular request, the Death Korps of Krieg and Ork miniatures from Kill Team will indeed soon be available separately (around the same time that the Starter Set hits the shelves).
While we don’t have an exact date, they usually don’t reveal the boxes more than a month or so out. It is interesting they are putting these in Kill Team-specific boxes, let’s hope that doesn’t mean anything bad for the release of more DKoK. We’ll have to wait on that one!
Here’s a look back at the Octarius Kill Team Starter Set which may have more value than the one above:
Check out the latest New Release Roadmap & Gen Con Reveals!
Will you be picking up the boxes when they are released separately?
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