New Necromunda Releases & Warcry Teasers Revealed at Gen Con

new-necromunda-modelsNew Warhammer Warcry has been teased and new Necromunda releases were revealed at Gen Con as GW wrapped up their big weekend!

GW promised a bunch of previews at Gen Con this year with Warcry and Necromunda closing out the show. Unfortunately, there’s not much for warcry, but it’s still some awesome news for both games!

Let’s get into the reveals, but if you want to see all the latest from Gen Con click any of the links below (we’ll update them as more comes out).

New Warcry Teased & Necromunda Revealed at Gen Con

Starting off with the Warcry teaser, we don’t get much other than a touch of hype with quotes and voice-over. All the details are still in the dark though. It is nice that we still got something from Warhammer Community about warcry, but it isn’t much to go off of.

Warcry Red Harvest:

warcry red harvestAn itsy-bitsy ditty echoes from the caverns – many fangs** to the Varanspire Octaves for singing us that. What does this mean for Warcry? Well, we’d love to tell you everything, but we’re in a bit of a bind. There’s a name though – Red Harvest. And it already has us itching to find out more. We’ll leave it up to you to weave together the clues. All we can say is this – make sure your warbands clear the cobwebs off their weapons and armour, because they’re in for the fight of their lives.

While there is nothing to really go off of, we know that something is coming to Warcry. A new box? Perhaps a supplement? Maybe a rules overhaul? They are all possibilities.

New Chaos Marauder Coming to Warcry Red Harvest!

Honestly, this Chaos Marauder is pretty cool and could be used in a ton of armies even if you don’t want to play Warcry. 

Chaos MurauderWarhammer Community unveiled the new mini, but very little else for what to expect with the release. At least this time they did say to expect more info at the end of the month, so we know that means something on Warhammer Day. Let’s check out the new mini!

We were hoping the video would give us a little more info, but hey, we’ll take a new mini when we can get them! If you want to see the first mini they revealed for Warcry, you can check that out here!

Chaos Murauder 2

Their spartan equipment and penchant for leather straps hearkens back to the classic Chaos Marauders of old, but these aren’t your dad’s warp-crazed killers. Slaughterborn scream fell oaths into the heavens on the eve of battle, fighting for the blessings of their patrons with every step and stopping at nothing to prove their might on the battlefield.

This mini is pretty cool and we could easily see this fitting right in for a bunch of Chaos armies. Plus, if you do play Warcry, it looks like they’ll be getting even more minis than this, which is always good news.

Chaos Marauder 3

We’ll have more information on Warcry: Red Harvest later this month, but for now we have to swear our own oath of secrecy or risk the wrath of the Chaos Gods. You wouldn’t want to find out who the Slaughterborn is leading into combat too soon, would you?

Warcry: Broodmaster

warcry broodmaster 3


We were hoping the video would give us a little more info, but hey, we’ll take a new mini when we can get them!

warcry broodmaster

Frankly, you wouldn’t want to meet him on a dark night on your own. You may have spotted a few clues to the Broodmaster’s identity in the video, but who is the Eightfold Watcher? And what are they watching? Our mandibles are sealed for now, but let’s take a closer look at this creepy new fighter. 

Honestly, this is a really dynamic and cool mini. It has a very unique feel, plus, even if you don’t play Warcry, it could be used for a bunch of Chaosy armies.

warcry broodmaster 2We count six limbs there, four of them holding a rather gnarly sword, which means he’s probably quite dextrous or constantly nicking himself in battle. Either way, you just know he gives the best hugs. And your eyes are not deceiving you – that really is the severed head of a giant Chaos-warped spider he’s using as a mask. 

With that many limbs, you know he’s going to dish out the serious damage! Whatever you do, don’t meet this guy in a dark alley, he might even be able to see in the dark.

Necromunda Outcasts and New Terrain Revealed At Gen Con

We knew there was something on the way according to the latest Necromunda Roadmap, and now we have our answer. These new Outcasts, rules, and terrain set releases are sure to resonate with current hivers looking for their next project!

Luckily for Necromunda fans, they actually have quite a few reveals from GenCon! Thanks to a recent Warhammer Community article, we know that they have models, terrain, and even more new rules on the way!

necromunda mercs outcastsAs far as new models go, these are it!

Now it’s time to meet the waifs and strays from outside of the House system. These are the dregs from the wrong end of town, and they’re perfect if you’ve ever dreamed of commanding a gang of outlaws and mercenaries.

This is a really fun set of thematic miniatures that capture the essence of a gang of ne’er-do-wells from the wrong side of the tracks. 

But what exactly do they do and how will they play? well… all of their rules will be inside this new rule supplement that was also revealed.

Along with rules for using an Outcasts gang in Necromunda, including scenarios, tactics, and more, the book includes lore that explores the place of this nefarious subset in the Necromundan hierarchy.

New books are always exciting additions, especially to the smaller scale games where one book can completely shift the meta of it all. How these Outcasts will play is still a little mysterious, but with a book officially revealed, there are sure to be some rule previews to follow suit before too long, so keep your eyes peeled!

necromunda terrain genconThis stunning terrain kit is perfect for narrative battles. Subjugators breaking up a black market trading post? Corpse Grinder Cultists looking to open up a meat market? The possibilities are almost endless with this modular kit, which can be used with all of the existing Zone Mortalis terrain. Fans of rare antiquities will be pleased to know that you also get two mung vases in the Underhive Market set – but are they real or counterfeit?

necromunda terrain gencon

While this is of course made for Necromunda, you can always use this in Kill-team or even 40k as well! New settings always help to make the tabletop more immersive for players.

Check out the latest New Release Roadmap & Gen Con Reveals!

Will you be picking up these new Necromunda Releases? 

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About the Author: Andrew Schrank

Andrew Schrank

andrew schrank headshotJob Title: Miniatures & Warhammer Hobby Staff Writer

Socials: Facebook

About Andrew Schrank: Over the past 15 years, Andrew has played all the games, including tabletop and video games, and immersed himself in the associated lore. Andrew joined the Spikey Bits team in 2018 and covers the Warhammer hobby and tournament scene, along with the latest in tabletop miniatures, each week.

Aspiring diplomat, Lord of Fluff, and Master of Ice Hammer, He loves Star Wars, Chaos Undivided, and Gundam. During his free time, he hunts Platinum trophies on PS5 and reads international news. On weekends, Andrew plays commander and cEDH games, often with unique strategies that push the limits.

He believes each day presents a new opportunity to grow and be challenged.