Creating Your First characters In Brutality Skirmish Wargame

By Guest Author | November 30th, 2021 | Categories: RPG, Tabletop Gaming Products, Warhammer 40k Rumors

brutalityToday we’ll be taking a look at creating your own characters in Brutality the Skirmish Wargame that seems to be pretty fun to play!

We’ll see how to create your first warband and what some character stats look like. These are all included in the free PDF version that can be found on the Brutality Website. There are additional character upgrades found in the Hardcover/Full PDF Rulebooks but today we will focus on the basic classes.

In case you missed our first article introduction on Brutality the game, you can check that out right here. 

Brutality Intro Overview

brutality skirmish wargamSome of the basic mechanics of the game involve:

  • Warbands are composed of between 4 and 8 members.
  • Players alternate activating models
  • Games last for 4 turns
  • D10 based game gives more flexibility in chances
  • Played on a base 3×3 board

Brutality Skirmish Wargame has many appealing factors to it:

  • Use any 28-32mm models that you want! There is no need to go out and buy any new models. The game was created to fit into any setting. We can bring Warhammer Heroclix, D&D, or any other models that you have or like.
  • Use any setting! Brutality is set in the Brutal Realm but the core game rules are designed in a way to fit into any setting that you desire. There have been players that have used it to create a universe for superheroes to combat in, I have tried out a feral Ork planet and another player has adapted it to create WW2 skirmishes.
  • Games are fast, taking approximately 30-60 minutes. This is a great game to play at night after work. You can get a game or two in and it doesn’t take up your whole night (unless you want it to!). Games are quick so if you lose a game you can get right back up and fight again.
  • Solo and CO-OP gaming modes are available. There is a beautifully designed AI table to help control the forces you are facing so you can play games or whole campaigns solo or with a friend (available in the Hardback Rulebook and Full PDF Rules).

Character Stats


brutality skirmish game(Fan created villains of the Brutal Realm)

All stats have a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 8 (Movement and hitpoints being the only outliers). Remember this game is played with a D10 for all the rolls noted below:

  • Movement The number of inches a character can move. Additionally, this is the maximum distance a character can run (rolled on a d10).
  • Fighting Skill Used for melee attacks. Models need to roll under their fighting skill in combat to hit their opponent. (eg. Fighting skill of 5 needs a 1-5 to hit).
  • Dexterity How agile a model is. This is used for certain checks in the game to see if you can leap over a gap, climb a wall or break free from some effects. Models need to roll under their dexterity to pass these tests. (eg. Dex of 6 must roll a 1-6 to pass)
  • Willpower The mental fortitude of a model. This is used when performing any powers (eg. A model with a Willpower of 7 needs to roll a 1-7 to pass).
  • Attacks The number of melee attacks a model can make in close combat.
  • Save The armor value of a model that can protect them after being hit. You must roll under your save characteristic (eg a save of 2 must roll a 1-2 to succeed).
  • Ranged Weapons Hits on a roll greater than targets dexterity to succeed. (Eg you shoot at a model with a dexterity of 4, you would hit on a 5-10).

These are all the basic rules for all of a character’s stats. There are modifiers and conditions that can alter these that are described further in the rulebook. For your first game, you can play without modifiers to help see how the rules work and everything interacts then throw in the more advanced modifiers after enjoying your first game or two!

brutality skirmish wargame(Basic characters for your first game)

Creating Your First Warband

brutality skirmish game 2For your first army, I suggest you take a look at page 44 of the free PDF (page 74 of the Hardback rulebook) and use the list created there for you. This is the perfect 4 point list with 4 models. It has one of each basic class and will help you grasp the basic concepts of the game and how each unit interacts within the Brutal Realm. The highlights of each are:

  • Melee- 2 attacks
  • Fast- 8” movement, increased Fighting Skill and Dexterity
  • Ranged- 2 shots at 20 inches
  • Support- pick 2 powers from pages 82-83, increase Willpower

There are a lot of interesting/powerful upgrades for your army but I suggest starting off with these 4 at least for one game and then venture out into the grand expanse of the possible characters. We will circle back in the future and break down upgrades for each class in upcoming articles.

Brutality Facebook Page and Extras

brutality skirmish wargameCheck out the Files section on the Brutality Facebook Page (Click on Download Free Rules it brings you to the Facebook page). In the files section, there are not only the free rules but also character creation sheets.

Come back next time when we explore setting up the game and take a look at the game turns, now go download some rules to play for free!

Don’t miss the other articles in our Brutality: the skirmish wargame below as well.

Get the Free Rules Here!