GW Confirms Warhammer Old World Cathay is a GO!

cathay rumors warhammer old world miao ying leading battle art

In another teaser for the long-awaited revamp, GW revealed a possible timeline for the Cathay army in Warhammer the Old World! 

Updated January 20th, 2025, by Rob Baer with new information and links to relevant content from the LVO previews

It’s happening—Games Workshop has finally pulled back the curtain on the Warhammer Old World’s take on Cathay, and fans have plenty to talk about. After years of speculation, leaks, and wishful thinking, we now have an official glimpse (we think) of what this long-mysterious faction will bring to the battlefield.

From stunning visuals to concept art, there’s a lot to digest, and it’s safe to say expectations are sky-high. Whether you’ve been counting the days for this update or you’re just curious about when it might actually happen, we’ll break it all down for you! 

LVO Cathay Rumors & Old World Roadmap 

factions-the old world

GW showed a piece of art during the LVO preview (on their own Old World Roadmap) that seems quite familiar to a long-running rumor for Cathay in Warhammer Old World! 

TOW cathay art reveal lvo 2025 rumor (3)

The little blurry insert might seem curious at first, but it matches this piece of art from the Total War video game depicting the Grand Army of Cathay quite well.

TOW cathay art reveal lvo 2025 rumor (2)

TOW cathay art reveal lvo 2025 rumor (2)

Coincidence? We think not! They promised us they would join the game back in 2021, but this is the first piece of hard evidence we’ve had in a while! 

cathay rumors map

Games Workshop also updated their Warhammer: The Old World map, and sharp-eyed fans have spotted what looks like a Cathay ship off the coast of Bretonnia.

Despite the Images, it Could Still Be a Ways Off


Alright, so let’s say Cathay is officially locked in—great news, right? Well, not so fast. Just because it’s confirmed doesn’t mean it’ll be hitting shelves anytime soon. Games Workshop seems to be sticking to a “one army per quarter” schedule for The Old World, and we’ve still got a queue.

High Elves are up next, but we’re still waiting on them. If they roll out in late Q1, the soonest we could see Cathay would be Q4 of 2025. But here’s the kicker—The Empire technically dropped in January 2025, so if High Elves slip to Q2, that pushes Beastmen to Q3, Wood Elves to Q4… and Cathay?

Yeah, we’re looking at early 2026 most likely… So, strap in because it’s likely going to be at least full year before Cathay makes its grand entrance.

Cathay Artwork

Let’s review the timeline of events for The Old World that have aligned with the rumors—albeit with just a few years’ difference.

  • The Old World Officially launched in January 2024
  • New model ranges are in the works, but the majority of releases are old models reworked. 
  • The first factions will be old-time favorites like Bretonnians, Tomb Kings, Empire, Orcs & Goblins, and Dwarfs. Other niche factions will come, just not at the very beginning.
  • The Warhammer Old World was supposed to be released in 2023, but COVID took a bigger toll than expected.
  • The main studio will be more involved in the process than originally expected.

Warhammer Total War Update

This little tidbit was hidden inside a Total War update on Warhammer Community from 2023.

Cathay and Kislev 2

While the changes do look good in this Total War faction update, they didn’t waste this opportunity to update Old World fans about Cathay and Kislev…

Warhammer: The Old World no updateTied to the bottom of this update like a nice little bow, things are not looking good for Cathay and Kislev’s future on the tabletop. That is, for the next several years, they said at the time in 2024. 

Cathay Artwork 2Well, this isn’t great news, but its better than nothing! We were hoping for a little sooner release date than 2025-2026 for Cathay, but it’s good to have any confirmation. 

Warhammer Old World Cathay Maps Laid Out

Cathay Map

Curious about Cathay? Well, the lands have been under the watchful eye of immortal shape-shifting dragons for thousands of years, and let’s be real—it’s not exactly a place that likes to shake things up. That means this map? Yeah, it’s just as legit for the timeline of Total War: Warhammer III as it is for the earlier days we’ll see in Warhammer: The Old World.

So, no need to stress—whether you’re looking at the past or sticking with the present, this map’s got you covered. Time to hit the books and get that lore locked down.

Cathay Map 2

We’ll reveal more of Grand Cathay and the fascinating peoples that call it home in future articles – as well as closer looks at other areas of this incredible setting.

Hopefully, this means we’ll be seeing previews more often and might actually get a model preview or something of the like before too long!

Cathay Map 3

Miao Ying stands guard over the Great Bastion, a massive wall that runs for hundreds of miles along Grand Cathay’s northern border, keeping out the relentless hordes of Chaos and the ever-scheming Hobgoblin Khanates.

Word on the street is that the Storm Dragon and her endless legions have never let their guard down, and it’s all thanks to Cathay’s rock-solid discipline and the mind-blowing weaponry cranked out by the artificers of Nan Gau. Safe to say, the empire’s in pretty good hands.

Cathay Map 4

Out in the west, Zhao Ming calls the shots in the bustling trade hub of Sang Yang, keeping a close watch over the Ivory Road and everything that comes with it. But let’s be honest—there’s more than just the city’s towering walls and the Iron Dragon’s hired muscle keeping western Cathay safe.

Beyond Sang Yang lies the Warpstone Desert, a nasty stretch of land forever messed up by the ancient meteor that birthed the Great Maw. Safe to say, it’s not exactly the scenic route for anyone thinking about taking a swing at Grand Cathay from that direction

The lore needs to be laid out first, and we’re happy to see it. We just want minis next time! Or at least some more concept art of what is to come…

What Types of Bases & Rules Will There Be?

old world square bases

Definitely square! Warhammer: The Old World is a reinvention of the classic rank-and-file game of Warhammer Fantasy Battles.

They have stated before that they are returning to Squares for the classic Warhammer Fantasy rank and file gameplay, but rumors still rose up that it wouldn’t be so. This is quelling those. Yes and yes the squares are for-real, for-real.

old world scale

What? No! What madness is that?! The scale will remain the same as it ever was. We want people to be able to use their old armies if they wish, or to start new ones, or to add new miniatures to old armies – whatever they want.

This is also directly quelling some other rumors that had risen up. The game will be the same scale it was, not some flavor of epic scale or anything like that. The emphasis on using old armies or adding or making new ones is fantastic.

Hopefully, this hints at a ton of support to come! Although it does make the “cross-play” between AoS and Old World a little rocky. It certainly won’t be as easy as, say, Horus Heresy and 40k. Either way, the return was epic.

old world rules

Both! We’ve played every single edition of Warhammer Fantasy Battles over the years and like every player, we have our favourite bits from each. 

This may not sound amazing at first, but the Dev team being able to pick and choose has the potential to create the best, most fun edition of “Fantasy” we have ever seen!

Currently, the new latest updates to both AoS and 40k have been very well received in general, so that’s a great sign!old world orcs

Da boyz woz called Orcs in da Old World, so datz what dey’z called!

The change to Orruks seemed like mostly adding a “unique” factor to the IP, so the dedication to nostalgia and returning to the old terms is a great sign to trying to really get it right for the players.

old world chaos

By now, sharp-eyed fans have probably figured out that Warhammer: The Old World takes place a few hundred years before the End Times, which means there’s a whole lot of history to dig into. Those really in the know might also realize this timeline drops us right before a pretty gnarly Chaos invasion—one that shook the Empire and the entire Old World to its core.

This is super interesting! Archaon might not be around, but there were still other Everchosen before him. A quick search places Asavar Kul as the Everchosen a little over 200 years before Archaon. This might be his time to shine! It’s also worth noting that Magnus The Pious helped defeat him and reunified the empire. So, does there happen to be a civil war going on? This might add up!

The funny thing is, despite how big of a deal it was, past versions barely scratched the surface. Looks like we may finally get the full story.

old world bases fr

Yes, we’re positive!

Final Thoughts on Cathay Returning to The Old World


Cathay’s return to Warhammer: The Old World is shaping up to be a thrilling addition, even if we’ll be waiting a while to get our hands on the miniatures. The roadmap might look long, but it’s clear Games Workshop is committed to delivering something special. The rich lore, iconic characters, and classic gameplay elements are all falling into place, and there’s plenty to be excited about.

Take a Closer Look at the Cathay Release Timeline Here!

Are you excited about Cathay finally getting models for the tabletop?