Next Week New Black Templars Pricing CONFIRMED

new-black-templars-releasesCheck out the confirmed pricing for the rest of the new Black Templar releases that are hitting pre-orders soon! 

Get those hobby dollars ready if you want any of these pre-orders from Games Workshop on Saturday, November 26th, 2021.

Next Week New Black Templars Pricing CONFIRMED

Unexpectedly, all of these Black Templar releases are going to be a two-week pre-order, meaning you’ll have twice as long to order them before release.

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High Marshal Helbrecht $45

High Marshal Helbrecht

To lead a Chapter as zealous and uncompromising as the Black Templars you have to be an individual of supreme willpower and stubbornness, and High Marshal Helbrecht is that guy. Driven by righteous hatred and the singular desire to rid the galaxy of mutants, aliens, and heretics, his fury is matched only by his skill with a blade.

Other than having a fantastic new model, Helbrecht has some sweet stats as well with support and a ton of melee damage.

High Chaplain Grimaldus and Retinue $45

High Chaplain Grimaldus and Retinue

The Hero of Helsreach, as Grimaldus is known, is a spiritual icon for his fellow Space Marines, epitomising the selfless endurance they all aspire to. When Helsreach Hive on Armageddon was overrun by Orks, the High Chaplain held the line until the walls and roof came crashing down around him. Believed dead for days, he dragged himself free from the rubble carrying three divine relics, which his Cenobyte Servitor retinue now carry with him into battle.

Grimaldus on the other hand is much more support-focused thanks to his abilities as a chaplain, but that doesn’t mean he is helpless on his own.

Emperor’s Champion $35

Emperor’s Champion

On the eve of battle, a Black Templar may receive a vision from the Emperor that commands them to conquer the enemy’s strongest fighters in single combat. These blessed Space Marines are granted the Armour of Faith and the Black Sword, powerful and ancient relics of the Chapter, and dubbed the Emperor’s Champion. They immediately go on to commit tremendous acts of violence.

Emperor’s Champions are Iconic and their skill in melee are extreme! If you need an additional threat to help swat down characters, this might be it.

Marshal $35


Black Templars Crusade Fleets are often led by an experienced Marshal – similar in role to the Captains of other Chapters – who oversees the order of battle and commands their troops from the front lines.

Marshals serve as another support-based character with good auras to help the front lines, meaning they’ll pretty much slot into any list.

Castellan $35


Castellans are junior officers among the Black Templars, assisting the Marshals in their day-to-day tasks and leading contingents of their battle-brothers in shock assaults. Much like the Lieutenants found across the Adeptus Astartes, they’re fully capable of raising hell in close combat too.

Similarly, the Marshal also offers support on a decent body, making it an easy include for plenty of lists.

Primaris Crusader Squad $60

Primaris Crusader Squad

The Black Templars have historically fielded specialised Crusader Squads as their rank and file, with Initiates accompanied into battle by Neophytes eager for front-line experience. The same holds true for Primaris Crusader Squads, which are a powerful Troops choice capable of absorbing massive punishment while charging at their foe.

With all that support, you’ll want some bodies to make use of it! As one of the troop options, the Crusader squad gives you a decent amount of bodies with good stats to boot.

Sword Brethren Squad $55

Sword Brethren Squad

Those who master the art of the blade and rise in rank to become one of their Chapter’s Veterans are inducted into the ranks of the Sword Brethren. Much more than a simple Veteran Squad, Sword Brothers carry a wide array of deadly weapons into battle and are resistant to the drawbacks of their Templar Vow.

On the more elite side of things, the Sword Brethren are like melee-only terminators with great stats and a hankering to smash and slash.

Codex Supplement: Black Templars $30 (Collector’s $65)

Codex Supplement Black Templars

The rules for these new units can be found inside Codex Supplement: Black Templars, which also contains Crusade rules, Stratagems, Relics, and Warlord Traits. True devotees of the Emperor will want the collectors’ edition with a beautiful soft-touch cover, though you’ll want to act fast as there is only a limited number available.

Of course, now you can also get the codex on it’s own meaning it’s easier than ever to start the new faction!

Plus Templar die-hards can get the new collector’s edition that is more than just an alternate cover that came in the Army box.

Black Templars Upgrades and Transfers $35

Black Templars Upgrades and Transfers

Upgrade your army with a packed set of optional extras, including additional weapons for your Primaris Neophytes and a full set of Black Templars Relics. If you’ve ever wanted to give one of your warriors the massive Sword of Judgement, this pack is right up your alley.

The base kit doesn’t come with everything, so this upgrade sprue can help you get your models fully WYSWYG, meaning what the physical model has the actual bits that they are running in your list.

Dice $35 & Datacards $15

Dice and Datacards

To round off your collection, pick up a pack of Black Templars-themed dice and some handy reference datacards to make your tabletop crusading as easy as can be. 

Space Marine Chaplain $35 (GW Web Exclusive)

Space Marine Chaplain

It’s not just the heirs of Sigismund who are getting new releases, as a classic Chaplain returns to bolster the Reclusiam of your favourite Space Marine Chapter. Previously only available as part of the Space Marine Heroes set, this Chaplain is now ready to strike out on his own.

Lastly, this lone Space Marine Hero is now going to be available separately, but he can join any chapter, not just Black templars!

Back Templar Combat Patrol $140

black templar combat patrolIn a sneaky turn of events, the Black Templar Combat Patrol is also joining the pre-order lineup. The contents of this are pretty useful for either veteran players or novice alike because it has actually useful units inside. If you want to read more about our coverage of this, you can here.

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Urdesh: The Magister and The Martyr $27

Urdesh The Magister and The Martyr

From Black Library, meanwhile, comes Urdesh: The Magister and The Martyr, the second book in Matthew Farrer’s Iron Snakes duology. The valiant Space Marines of Squad Damocles square up to the tricksy forces of the Archenemy as the Sabbat Crusades wage on.

All the Newest GW Model Previews For NOV & Beyond

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