Sisters of Battle Castigator Tank: Unboxing & Build

Castigator unboxing rDon’t miss our unboxing and build of the 40k Sisters of Battle Castigator tank, and show you how to magnetize it as well!

We’re back unboxing what is finally the last wave for the Sisters, but we guess it’s not truly the last as we already have more for Kill Team! Rob sees what it takes to get it ready for the tabletop, shows the size of the model, and tells you the GOTCHAS to be aware of when building it!

We are going to show you everything including the sprues, bits, and of course, the size. That way you can decide if this is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars.

Sisters of Battle Castigator Tank: Unboxing & Build

Get yours for less on Amazon, Dicehead Games, or eBay 

CastigatorThis 108-part plastic kit makes one Castigator tank for Adepta Sororitas armies in Warhammer 40,000.

This feels like the 10th wave of Sisters we’ve seen, but it is pretty cool as it’s a totally new tank for them.

Instructions & Sprues

Castigator unboxing 2Unfortunately, GW made this kit so you can’t make it modular and also use it as a Rhino when you want. Luckily, the only treads you’ll have to mess with are a few on the front and back.

Castigator unboxing 3This is where they really went out of their way to not make this modular and usable as a Rhino which is a huge missed opportunity in our book.

Castigator unboxing 4When it comes to the turret, with a little magnetization you can use either weapon. You will have to find a way to magnetize the sides to hold it, but Rob thinks you can. There are also a ton of tiny little parts that Rob isn’t going to put on, just to make painting easier. However, decorate your tank any way you want!


The sprues look super detailed, as with all the normal Sisters’ icons and accessories we have come to expect.

Overall, the pieces look good and there is already a ton of detail to paint, so if you don’t want to throw on all the extra bits, nobody will hold that against you.

Assembled Model

Castigator unboxing 5Surprisingly, this might be the easiest magnetization job Rob has ever done. The kit itself is pretty sweet and everything is really tight. Rob barely glued anything down and it all fits together very well.

You can even see that all the pieces move pretty easily and this basically takes the old Predator design and makes it far better. There are also a lot of pieces you don’t have to glue in so you can paint everything separately.

Magnetize The Sisters of Battle Castigator Tank

Castigator unboxing 7To magnetize the weapons on the new Sisters of Battle Castigator tank all you have to do is clip the hinge piece off and take two 1/4 x 1/16 magnets on either side and then do one on each gun.

Castigator unboxing 8 Rob grabbed some from Magnet Baron, who sells these magnetization kits, and magnets for general hobby uses.

Overall, this is just a super easy build that is even easier to magnetize and looks great.

Get Your Castigator Tank Here! 

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