New Plastic Daemon Primarch Angron For World Eaters

angron daemon primarchAnother big Warhammer 40k Daemon Primarch is here for a plastic World Eaters Release- yup it’s finally Angron!

Oh lord, he comin’, and from the looks of it, this new Daemon Primarch Angron is bringing some new Khorne Berzerker friends with him.

We had heard rumblings of new Emperor’s Children models, including Fulgrim and new World Eaters for a while. Now we have what looks to be a brand new Deamon Primarch Angron model, which may be closer than we thought.

Let’s start with the latest for new World Eaters and take a look at the new Daemon Primarch Angron.

Angron, Daemon Primarch of Khorne Retail Price: $160

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games Frontline Gaming 

This kit comprises 77 plastic components and is supplied with a Citadel 100mm Round Base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly

This model has been a long time coming, so it’s nice to see it finally! At release, the kit runs for $160 retail, which is a little crazy for the two sprues, but the same for the other Daemon Primarchs and most of the Greater Daemons as well. Read the Unboxing & Build Here.

9th Edition Warhammer 40k World Eaters Codex

The World Eaters are the fourth main single-god devoted legion, following after Thousand Sons for Tzeentch, Death Guard for Nurgle, and Emperor’s Children for Slaanesh.

World Eaters 2Games Workshop has confirmed that they have taken them out of the Chaos codex, meaning they will have a new set of miniatures with new Khorne Berzerkers, and they said a few surprises as well!

Earlier today we saw some major reinforcements that the Heretic Astartes are getting alongside their new codex. But while this heretical tome is certainly fuelled by hate and driven by vengeance, it isn’t quite as angry as you might expect – one Legion is conspicuous in its absence.

This sounds like something good that they will be grabbing their own book. However, the time frame might be something you’re not as excited about. So, what do we have to go off, and why do we think they are further off than originally thought?

Here, we break down some historical new release references for the new World Eaters.

As by far one of the most popular legions, it made perfect sense that World Eaters get their own codex. Unlike undivided legions like Word Bearers or Black legion, the God-devoted ones have much more unique models and lore, making them better candidates for dedicated books and new models.

This also makes sense with the new rumors we’ve heard, meaning Emperor’s Children would come after World Eaters and Chaos Space Marines before all of them as World Eaters were omitted from the codex book.

Will the World Eaters codex actually make it into 9th edition 40k? While some big clues pointed to the fact that it might fall into 10th edition, we know that is not the case anymore!

Plastic Daemon Primarch Angron Confirmed by GW!

If things weren’t dire enough for the Imperium, what with the opening of the Great Rift and all the other threats from within and without, another Daemon Primarch has rejoined the battle for the fate of the galaxy – he might not look it, but he’s extremely happy to be back.


The Daemon Primarch of Khorne is a gigantic slab of warp-fuelled muscle. He’s been totally reforged into the image of his bloody master, flesh as red as the cascade of gore he leaves in his wake. 

He is quite the monstrosity! This will be huge based on the base size and the model itself; let’s just hope the rules represent his insane power and ferocity.

angron 2

Yet take a closer look and you can still see the origins of this Daemon Prince. The Butcher’s Nails are still present, now fused into his very form. Likewise, scraps of his old Nucerian warplate still remain – like the shoulder pad that pays homage to his former Legion, even if the teeth are now somehow more… daemonic, a gaping maw almost literally eating worlds.

When you get close up on the details, they are quite awesome! As we said, this release is probably far off (perhaps even in 10th Edition) as they said we’ll learn more about it in the coming months. Now, let’s look at the leaked picture and what else could be coming with it.

More Khorne Leaks & Imperial Guard

angron daemon primarch khorne berserkersIt seems like there will be a slew of new miniatures, including new Khorne Berzerkers, the other half of the Kasrkin kit, and perhaps a new guard tank as well!

The very first comment on the Angron thread (especially now that it’s confirmed) also pretty much hit the nail on the head as well:

About 6 months before Wraith of Magnus dropped, one of the reliable rumor-mongers of the day (by the name of Hastings) reported seeing detailed design work for Magnus, Guilliman, Mortarion, Angron, and Russ. He was met with skepticism about the idea of Primarchs coming back to 40K until Magnus was released. He is now 3/5 and although Hastings has long since disappeared (or switched identities) I still give this rumor a lot of weight.

Berzerkers are 20-ish years old and in need of a revamp. Redoing World Eaters with Angron to lead them would certainly tick a lot of GW‘s boxes.

So from the image above, we can see a slew of new units, all of which will probably get revealed cheekily soon by Games Workshop making fun of the Photato image that they probably leaked in the first place…

Overall the model seems based on the art from the early 2000s and just really well done from the looks of it.

daemon primarch Angron artRegardless to us, at least, this already looks to be one of the best models Games Workshop has ever produced!

RUMORS: What New Warhammer 40k Rules to Expect for Angron

angron daemon primarch

These rumors come from Reddit and have been corrected for grammar.

  • Wounds:18, duh
  • Toughness:7, with Magnus being a seven as well, we can predict our red boi will be as well, with Morty being tough eight as he should be the toughest
  • Stregnth:9-10, if Khorne’s schtick is that he is the strongest, so it makes sense that Angron will be the strongest Primarch. This would help with upcoming T9 models.
  • Movement:14 or 20. Morty is 12, Magnus is 16, so either our boi is in the middle, and they are going by 2s, he would be 14, or if he’s faster and they are going by 4s, hed be 20 (this is the least certain tho)
  • Defense: ++4 invul, and -1 dmg; again if Angron isn’t about toughness, he would be closer to his Tzeenchy brother in this case
  • Damage: at least 6, not six dmg at most per wound but six at least, Morty currently is the most melee Primarch with 3+d3 damage, so it would only make sense for Angron to be, at base, killier in combat than stinky here so at least 6. Everything including is just speculation
  • Gimmick: he will have the most amount of whatever gimmick WE have in their codex. Morty has a 12-inch aura of contagion and whatever plague company he wants. Magnus has an innate +3 to psychic and can take two cabal rituals. So whatever WE get, Angron will get the most out of it( ex.
  • Let’s say blood tithes comeback, Angron would get two or three per unit slain instead of 1, complete speculation, but you get the idea)

There was also mention from a very good source that he would be, in fact, be Toughness 8, and he would “get faster the more damage he takes.”

So, when comparing him to the current Primarchs, a lot of this makes sense. However, there is a bit of wishlisting here sprinkled in with a dash of rumors, so as always, buyer beware.

New Daemon Primarch Angron Miniature Angle

News on Commisar Yarrick was just a portion of what Games Workshop had to say in their post. 

This shows the new Daemon Primarch from a brand new angle, and it really captures his musculature and how everything will attach.

How to Play Warhammer 40k World Eaters & Rules Review

new world eaters chaos codex space marinesHere’s how to play World Eaters from their 9th edition Warhammer 40k Codex including their latest rules and models. Read More Here

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

Are you excited about these potential new 40k Chaos World Eaters and a plastic Daemon Primarch Angron model? 

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