Tau & Custodes Dominate Beachhead Brawl 2022

Top-3-army-lists-40k-wal-hor-2The Beachhead Brawl 2022 happened over the weekend with some pretty sweet 40k army lists taking the top spots!

The tournament is over and now we’re able to look at which lists managed to secure a place at the top! Check out what these winners brought in their armies.

Beachhead Brawl 2022: Top 40k Army Lists

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves. 

If you wanted to see the names and factions of the overall winners, we’ve included that below.


3rd Place: Ben Jones – Custodes

adeptus custodes new 8th edition warhammer 40k wal hor


Ben Jones 1


Ben Jones 2


2nd Place: Vik Vijay – Tau Empire

tau walpaper crisis


Vik Vijay 1


Vik Vijay 2

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Vik Vijay 3

1st Place: Alex Harrison – Tau Empire

do not use fire warriors wallpaper tau


Alex Harrison 1Rocking the new Tau, Alex scored 1st place at a Major with this two detachment setup! His first detachment is a small Patrol led by an Ethereal and Longstrike. Ethereals got a nice bonus thanks to the new Ethereal trait system, making them very flexible, very similar to what chaplains now provide for SM armies with their prayers and such after the update.

Longstrike was always a great unit and it looks like he will continue to be, nothing like having a tank with that little bit of extra HQ support.

The troops and Fast Attacks are full Kroot with 10 troops and 4 hounds. In general, Kroot are great for rounding out the points in a list and acting as some cheap bodies to sit on objectives or be chaff for more important models.

Alex Harrison 2

His second detachment is another patrol this time led by a Crisis Commander running a mix of ranged weapons for a super flexible and deadly HQ choice. Troops once again see the addition of Kroot thanks to their extremely cheap bodies (almost as cheap as cultists!).

Elites bring in more Battlesuits with a total of 10 Crisis suits and 10 Shield drones to protect them. These all also bring in a mix of ranged weapons, primarily due to the new Tau restriction on multiple copies of the same weapon on a model resulting in additional point costs.

In general, the Projectors and flamers help deal with chaff while the Plasma and Ion Blaster can serve as slightly more general-purpose or anti-armor weapons.

Alex Harrison 3Fast attacks bring in a total of 10 Vespid Stingwings, who add a touch of mobility for a relatively cheap price tag, making them a perfect harass unit that won’t hurt too much if they get deleted.

Finally closing the list out are 6 Broadside suits which bring in the big guns and serve as the main anti-armor threat to take out opposing large models or high-save units.

Click Here For More Top Warhammer Army Lists

What do you think about all three of these top 40k army lists from the Beachhead Brawl 2022? 

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