GW Reveals New Eldar Prince Yriel 40k Rules

new-eldar-rules-codex-preview-rumors-teaserWe’ve seen the Corsairs, now it’s time to check out their leader as GW has revealed new Prince Yriel Eldar 40k rules- check it out!

We’ll also add in the Corsairs rules here as well so you can get an idea of how everything will work together. If you want to include Corsairs in your army, Yriel seems like a great pick as this won’t stop you from getting Strands of Fate among other special rules!

The Corsairs rules themselves were spotted from Auspex Tactics and show pretty much everything. While Warhammer Community unveiled the new 40k  rules for Yriel.

9th edition Aeldari eldar codex

So what’s waiting for you in the pages of this massive new 200-page codex? Let’s start with new ways to build the mixed-faction Aeldari armies of your dreams. Their race may be in decline, but they’re full of vibrant factions who can be called on for aid.

As well as rules for Asuryani Aeldari (that’s craftworlds to me and you), this new codex also has rules for fielding Harlequins – we’ll have more info on adding these deadly clowns to your armies later in the week. We saw the first Corsairs miniature at LVO, and you can also include them in an army. You can even dedicate yourself to the Aeldari god of death and take a Ynnari army – all using the same codex!

Corsairs 40k Rules Rumors

yriel corsair leaks eldar

If you ever wanted to make a full corsair pirate list led by the prodigal Prince Yriel (who may have a bit of a shadow looming over him) these new 40k rules rumors are for you! These come from the Christmas Leaks, and a lot of them have become true, so be sure to check them out if you want to see what else could be on the way!

It also seems like there will also be changes in how farseers and warlocks are fielded overall now in Eldar lists. Now, it’s all coming true, so some pretty good rumors if you ask us!

Eldar rumors 2We’ve seen plenty of armies getting new models first in Kill Team, so this wouldn’t surprise us to see some of the releases go that way. A little unfortunate here for Harlequins that the new unit mentioned is this and not also something separate. Still, new stuff is always good!

First up, it looks like Corsairs will be split into two different units, with Voidreavers being a troop choice and the Voidscarred being elite. 

CorsairsThey have some interesting options but there are a few weaknesses. First, they don’t get Core or Craftworld keywords. Then, they can’t fill mandatory slots, unless you play a full pirate army.

So this makes us think they will grab an HQ choice as well. So then maybe if you go full Corsair, you’ll also get some cool special rules. Then, being able to get both Drukhari and Eldar weapons, makes them flexible and with both keywords, you can probably take them in both armies.

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However, it doesn’t look like you can mix or match weapons, you either have to go all rifles, or power swords and pistols. They can get pretty shooty with 2 Blasters and 1 Wraithcannon per 10 models.


Corsairs 2You can mix and match weapons (not sure if it will be actually strong though) and they have 3 attacks base. However, they then get some better special rules and specialists. You can get a Shade Runner who gets more attacks and does mortals when charging.

The Soul Weaver saves basically one Corsair every turn, which is pretty nice. Then, the Way Seeker is a mini Warlock of sorts. The not suffering Perils is nice, and the Witch staff isn’t bad. This is basically an auto-include, especially if you can run them in Drukhari.

It will give you some psychic powers where you normally have none and it won’t take away your battleforged status!

Eldar Prince Yriel 40k Rules

Prince Yriel Rules

Now, thanks to his life as a corsair prince, Yriel’s strategic skills are sharpened to a razor edge, and he commands his army with the acumen of an Autarch. In fact, his Path of Command ability is more expansive than usual, affecting units with the Anhrathe keyword in addition to the usual Core.

Getting rerolls for things that are not core is pretty sweet and this lets you really benefit with both Iyanden and the Corsairs.

Prince Yriel Rules 2

Hit and run raids are a corsair speciality, using raw speed to strike with overwhelming force, and Yriel’s ability is not limited to the Anhrathe, and everyone from aspect warriors to the Wraithguard can hitch a ride with the Prince of Corsairs. The Aeldari have an arsenal of powerful close-range weapons, and getting to deploy them within arm’s length of their targets makes for a potent advantage.

This will let you keep tons of units in reserves and plays into the idea of a fast strike force. Again, it will be for both Iyandem and Corsairs, which will allow you to make some pretty cool armies and battle plans.

Prince Yriel Rules 3

If his skills stopped at being a brilliant tactician, Yriel would be dangerous enough, but command is far from his only talent. When a Tyranid hive fleet came to his former home, the Outcast Prince returned as a whirlwind of death, sweeping aside the largest of monsters with the Spear of Twilight. And to this day, he can still put a shift in with it.

We don’t have his full stats, so this weapon looks quite strong, but there will be a big difference depending on his Strength and number of attacks. Either way though, 2x Strength, -3AP, and 3 Damage is strong no matter what.

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About the Author: Travis Pasch

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Travis Pasch

Job Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!