New Eldar Vyper Model Hidden in Plain Sight

By Travis Pasch | February 9th, 2022 | Categories: Aeldari, Eldar, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

chaos rumors new wal hor warhammer games workshopIn a recent post, Games Workshop may have hidden a new Eldar Vyper in plain sight right under our noses- check it out!

With an insane number of reveals for the Eldar, it looks like GW isn’t done yet either- and we’re totally fine with it! As the line hasn’t been really updated in ages new models are always welcome!

This time around in a recent Warhammer Community they revealed what may be an updated Vyper in the background of a recent article image…

New Eldar Vyper Hidden in Plain Sight

Vyper 2The old Vyper was pretty slick when it came out, but time has sort of passed it by. But, the idea of its design is interesting and it looks like GW is keeping that or GW just decided to throw a new flight stand on here and put it at an odd angle to throw us off.

New Vyper 2You can see what looks to be a new Vyper model behind the walker in the back there right next to the platform.

New VyperIt gets a little grainy once you really zoom in on it, still, we can see what could be a bunch of new features. First off (from this angle at least) it seems to have a slimmer look like the Shroud Runners. Then, the cockpit piece also looks to be slightly different, or it could just be the bone-colored paint job that is playing tricks on our minds.

It’s a little clouded so it’s hard to tell so, check out the pics and let us know if you think it’s a new model or just the camera playing tricks. One thing is for sure, it has the new Ad Mech style flight stand, so maybe they will just be keeping the old model and throwing those in with it.

So don’t be surprised if we see a new reveal for this soon, or if it is perhaps just the same old Vyper with a new paint job to match the models in the foreground…

Other than that though, we think Eldar players will be happy so far with this tidal wave of news and rumors for all things Aeldari. Use the links below to check out our other coverage:

Do you think it is a newVyper or just a strange angle on the old one?

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