RUMORS: New Imperial Guard Plastic Model Kits On The Way

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We just saw what could be a new Imperial Guard model, and now more rumors are here saying there are more plastic kits and models coming for Warhammer 40k.

Games Workshop just unveiled a new rumor engine that looks just like the camouflage on their Cadian Kasrkin models, and immediately more rumors are here about more plastic Imperial Guard kits that may be on their way!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should keep an eye out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

Again though, these are rumors so take them with as much salt as you need, especially considering they are for the Imperial Guard…  Let’s start with what we know so far:

New Plastic Kasrkin Guard: GW 40k Rumor Engine

This bit looks exactly like an Imperial Guard Auspex right down to the camouflage pattern we have seen on Caidan Kasrkin models in the past.

rumor engine 03-01-22

As you can tell from the old kit, these hands are clearly very similar in design. The little device in the hand is completely new, but it could be a host of things that don’t really need explaining.

karskin heavy weaponsPerhaps the biggest “tell” is the urban style camouflage that is clearly visible on the rumor engine bit, and the old Cadian Karskin models above as well.

ccadian kasrkin camouflage

RUMORS: New Imperial Guard Plastic Model Kits On The Way

Chapter Master Valark claims to have the good on not only the new Rumor Engine model that may for Imperial Guard, but also on even more upcoming kits.

Did a video on this for those who want to watch but listed down below as well, this comes from the source who I call Alpharius who hasn’t been wrong before. This comes with the Rumour Engine image from today.

Lots of New stuff for the Imperial Guard:

    • New Tank (Apparently named Rogal Dorn Battle Tank)
    • New Kasrkin Kit
    • New Sentinel Kit
    • New Veteran Cadians/Command Squad
    • New HQs 

From what was said to me, it’s basically a range refresh with a bunch of badass looking Cadians.

As always trust in what you want, just because I trust this source doesn’t mean you have too.

So either someone is Trolling Valrak or perhaps there is a shred of truth to be gleaned from all of this.

The bottom line is, some new Guard may be on the way, as Cadians might make their return to the spotlight!  We’ll just have to wait and see…

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should keep an eye out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

Solve All the Latest GW Rumor Engines Here

What do you think these hands are, or what does it belong to? Could this really be a new Kasrkin/Cadian Imperial Guard model for Warhammer 40k?

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