Full Army Painter Speedpaint Range Hits Stores!

SpeedpaintsThe full Army Painter Speedpaint range has hit stores everywhere, including the singles, so you can get basically anything you need!

The Army Painter is always coming out with some of the coolest hobby products on the market! This time around they are helping us all get our armies and minis done faster but still look great. One of the best things about their paint sets is they always come with great guides, that way if you need help on your scheme, they make it easy.

All of their products are always affordable and high-quality, and we expect this set is no different. Rob has been using them for a little now and he loves them! But now we can finally all get our own and for very affordable prices. The whole range is out now, so if you want them, go get some!

Here’s the latest on the new Speedpaints!


Army Painter SpeedpaintThe paint goes on really fast, as you would expect from the name. It also looks to avoid some of the common pitfalls of normal contrast paints and be a true one-coat solution. Plus, they are more than 2 dollars cheaper for a bottle than another certain company. 

Army Painter Speedpaint 2This set gives you enough to get started and paint your minis faster than ever before! Let’s hear what they have to say about it:

The all-in-one Warpaint Speedpaint is truly a one-coat painting solution. In the Speedpaint Starter Set you’ll find all the basic colours you need to begin painting beautiful tabletop-quality miniatures in no time. Simply apply one rich coat of Speedpaint directly over a primed miniature and you are done! 


Army Painter Speedpaint 4If you just want everything in one buy, this is the way to go! You get an insane number of paints for a really great price.


Army Painter Speedpaint 3

  • Combined with an innovative resin medium solution that flows perfectly over your miniatures creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.
  • The Speedpaint Mega Set contains our entire range of Speedpaints giving you 24 colours to work your magic with, and get amazing results faster than ever.

Army Painter Speedpaints Singles: $4.50 Each

Speedpaints singlesObviously, if you just want everything, you can buy a big bundle and save some cash. Though, if you just want to add to your collection or just grab a few, this is awesome! They have an insane number of colors, so it’s always good to be able to grab them like this.

Speedpaints singles 2These are available now, so what are you waiting for? Plus, might as well order the colors you want and have them waiting for you.

Speedpaints singles 3Check out Rob’s tutorial below on how to use them!

How To Use Army Painter Speedpaint Tutorial & Review

Check out this quick tutorial & review of the new Army Painter Speedpaint, which we love more than Citadel Contrast already!

We used all the Speedpaint colors Army Painter sent us to paint this Sylvaneth Revenant which turned out great in just one actual coat over the Army Painter White Primer.

revenant army painter speedpaintAnd just a few of their colors to paint this Marvel Crisis Protocol Deadpool mini that was pre-shaded with a white Drybrush over a black undercoat.

deadpool wal hor mcp army painter speedpaint front

deadpool wal hor mcp army painter speedpaint back

deadpool wal hor mcp army painter speedpaint revenant

Both miniatures were painted in about an hour while watching TV.

Click Here To Get Your Full Army Painter Speedpaint Range!