New Bulldogs Set From Wargames Atlantic!

space brits WGAThe new Wargames Atlantic Bulldogs Set is full of amazing minis that would make for super cool alternatives- check it out!

Wargames Atlantic is always coming out with incredible new models and their kits are always affordable and full of detail. This new set is no different. And with the set being available to pre-order, you can get as many sets as you need right now. With the price of the set, you basically get each mini for a little under a dollar fifty. Which is just crazy in today’s market. 

The minis in the new kit all look great and can actually be used in their Death Fields game or tons of alternatives. Plus, at this price, you can easily grab the boxes just for the bits and conversion possibilities. Let’s get into the set!

Bulldogs Set: $34.95

Bulldgos setThese would make for such a fun custom regiment for any Imperial Guard army! Plus these are just really cool minis and could also make for some really affordable alternatives for all kinds of games.

Bulldogs setIf you love what Wargames Atlantic is up to, check out what else they have going on! 

Bulldgos set 2

In the far future, there are many suns that never set on the British Empire or at least on the Imperial sons and daughters that make up the Bulldogs team. One of the stars of the Death Fields Circuit, the Bulldogs is a combined team formed from abductees taken from the shadow of Isandlwana, the banks of the Somme, and the streets of Arnhem.

previews from Wargames Atlantic 2

This box set includes enough parts to build 24 hard plastic soldiers. That can be equipped with standard infantry rifles, light machine guns, assault rifles, plasma and flame weapons, grenade launchers, and pistols. Four headgear choices allow you to customize your forces.

That does it for this one, now stop staring and go get some amazing minis!

Get Your Wargames Atlantic Minis Here!