All The New Horus Heresy Plastic Praetor Models

Horus-Heresy-praetors-miniature-previewGW has actually revealed and released a bunch of Horus Heresy Praetors already- check out all the minis to lead your forces!

Unfortunately, these aren’t all going to be in plastic, and the newer ones are from Forge World in resin. While it’s not a huge deal, it’s just something to keep in mind. Let’s jump into all the minis!

New Horus Heresy Plastic Praetor Revealed By GW!

Did you catch the gripping Praetor-on-Praetor battle royale in the cinematic trailer for Warhammer: The Horus Heresy? Well, we saw the glorious miniature for one of these Astartes officers at AdeptiCon, and now we’re ready to meet a second new plastic Praetor – this time in Mark VI Artificer Armour.

Legion Praetor with Power Sword Retail Price: $33.50

 Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead GamesFrontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Legion Praetor with Power Sword


Legion Praetor with Power Sword sprue

This kit comprises 23 plastic components, and is supplied with a Citadel 40mm Round Base. Also included is a Legiones Astartes Infantry Transfer Sheet containing 339 optional markings and icons for the Sons of Horus and Imperial Fists Legions. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly

Horus Heresy praetors are always an exciting release as they are perfect stand-ins for any player of the factions as a chapter master or Sergeant, even in 40k!

This is a pretty cool mini! It captures that old-school feel with a ton of great detail, even though it might be a little static.

Legion Praetor with Power Axe Retail Price: $33.50

 Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Frontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Horus Heresy New Minis 2

The Praetors are some of the first kits moving to plastic, making the game more approachable than ever before. If you’re a fan of the lore or the Horus Heresy series from Black Library, but you’re not so familiar with advanced resin kits, this is the edition of the game you’ve been waiting for. Both miniatures will be in the launch set for the new edition, on which we’ll have more details coming very soon…

Next up is the SoH Praetor, who is pretty badass, honestly. However, it really isn’t specific to any Legion, so you can use him in whatever army you want.

Emperor’s Children Praetor

Emperor's Children Praetor

Footsloggers aren’t getting left out though, and the First, Fourth, and Fifth Legions are rubbing their hands together in glee while they await their shiny new Mk VI upgrades. 

The Third, meanwhile, doesn’t consider the fine raiments that they have on the way are sufficient, however. The Emperor’s Children pursue excess in all things, and they bear that philosophy out in full with this fabulous new Praetor.

This might bode well for other legions as well. Considering we don’t just expect them to do a single one, and just like the upgrades, we might see these for a bunch of the legions. So while it might take a while, it would be cool!

Emperor's Children praetor 2

You can see traces of the dark sensory path these unhinged explorers were travelling down by just looking at the gruesome alternate head. Apothecaries were knee-deep in gruesome surgical experiments towards the end of the Great Crusade, developing psycho-sonic weaponry like Sonic Shriekers and Sonic Lances.

They really put a lot of detail into this one, and it should be super fun to paint up.

Emperor's Children Praetor 2The extra head is a nice touch because if you’re too cool for helmets, they have you covered!

Emperor’s Children Get Another Praetor!

Emperor's Children Praetor

The III Legion were only recently blessed with a preview of a sparkling new Praetor, all decked out in armour and raiment radiant enough to suit the Phonecian himself. 

Like his leaner brother in arms, every spare inch of his indomitable tactical dreadnought armour is covered with beautiful detail and exquisite engravings. This must be what they mean when they talk about the art of war.

This might bode well for other legions as well (even though this is the second in a row for EC). Considering we don’t just expect them to do a single legion, and just like the upgrades, we might see these for a bunch of the legions. So while it might take a while, it would be cool!

Emperor's Children Praetor 2

To complete the look, he’s accessorized with a masterfully smithed falchion and a stylish combi-bolter with an underslung volkite weapon.

This Praetor is an obvious choice to head up a squad of similarly dripped-out Phoenix Terminators,  with the whole crew serving looks and lightning-swift death to any Loyalist foolish to stand against them.

They really put a lot of detail into this one, and it should be super fun to paint up. As we said, though, there don’t look to be many options with the kit. However, that is how almost all of these have been.

Sons of Horus Terminator Praetor

Sons of Horus Terminator Praetor

He’s clad in the finest Cataphractii armour, covered in the Legion’s symbols and sigils, making him perfect to join Abaddon in the Justaerin or to lead a Sons of Horus army on his own. He’s armed with a combi-melta and power maul,* while Warhammer fans of a certain age will be delighted to see the return of back banners. As for those skulls, they’re not just a stylish accessory – it’s a Cthonian tradition to dip the skulls of your enemies in gold.

This one is a little older but came out just a little before the new edition, so we wanted to show it in case you missed it!

Imperial Fists Legion Praetor $35

Speaking of older, these came out in the late summer of 2021 and have some great poses as well:

Imperial Fists Legion PraetorThis mighty warrior is bedecked in Mark III power armour which is adorned with a host of details that represent this commander’s standing within the Templar Brethren and is armed with a power sword.

Imperial Fists Legion Praetor detailsThis finely detailed resin kit is comprised of 12 components and comes with a 32mm Citadel Round Base. Rules for Legion Praetors can be found in The Horus Heresy – Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List, and rules for Imperial Fists can be found in The Horus Heresy – Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Legions.

Imperial Fists Legion Terminator Praetor $35

This warrior is bedecked with near-impenetrable Cataphractii pattern Terminator armour, which is adorned with a host of details that represent this commander’s association with the Templar Brethren.

This finely detailed resin kit is comprised of 18 components and comes with a 40mm Citadel Round Base. Rules for Legion Praetors can be found in The Horus Heresy – Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List, and rules for Imperial Fists can be found in The Horus Heresy – Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Legions.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Horus Heresy Rules & Product Leaks. Click on the gallery above to see new Horus Heresy models and rules rumors!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

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