Skaven are pairing up with Sylvaneth for the Echoes of Doom box set and getting new rules for the Lady of Vines and a Deathmaster as well!
We just got done seeing previews for new Sylvaneth and Skaven models during Warhammer Fest, and now it looks like they will be releasing side by side in a new box called Echoes of Doom.
GW Unveils Tons of New AoS Sylvaneth Models!
This is the biggest line update they’ve basically ever had, with fast-moving bug models and the return of this lady…
Sylvaneth Lady of the Vines
First up is this wild Lady of the Vines who has just recently been resurrected from events back in the Realmgate wars This is a pretty wild mini, and with how much lore is out there about this model, it will be really fun to play with!
After her untimely death in the Realmgate Wars, the Lady of Vines is back, thanks to the god-queen of the Sylvaneth – and a deep rage for all things that threaten the Sylvaneth smoulders in her thorny heart.
Gossamid Archers
Gossamid Archers are lethal skirmishers afforded the power of flight by symbiotic zephyrspites – their arrows, loosed from elegant bows, play host to ravenous grubs that bore into their enemies. Yum!
Just like the Arch-Revenant, these models are actually being carried by bugs on their backs and their arrows will explode into bugs that dig into the enemy’s skin!
Spiterider Lancers/Revenant Seekers
These fearsome cavalry come in two flavours. Spiterider Lancers are Alarielle’s elite shock cavalry. Lightning-fast, they dart into combat and strike their foes down before they can react.
These are very fast and hit quite hard. According to the preview, they have a decent number of attacks and wounds and fill a niche role for Sylvaneth- getting somewhere fast and hitting hard!
Revenant Seekers are a touch slower, focusing on the vital task of harvesting the life energy of fallen Sylvaneth to resurrect their allies.
You can build this kit into two different units, and we’ll have to see how they break it all up and if you can magnetize them or not.
New Battletome
All of these fabulous floral fighters and carapaced cavalry are arriving alongside the latest book for the Everqueen’s forest-dwelling sentinels, Battletome: Syvlaneth, which you can expect to see more of in the coming weeks.
Of course, with so many new models, they are also grabbing a new battletome book for Age of Sigmar 3.0!
New AoS Skaven Deathmaster!
Plus of course, we know there is a new Skaven Deathmaster model coming as well, and it appears he will be inside the new Echoes of Doom box too…
The Skaven Deathmaster is an expert hero-killer armed with an arsenal of esoteric weapons coated in lethal toxins devised by the Clans Eshin, and more than a match for most targets.
It looks like the theme from the recent Underworlds box is continuing for the Skaven!
Sneaky Skaven assassins have been around for a very long time, but this is the first time we’ve seen one in plastic. As you can see, it’s been updated with some very Warhammer Age of Sigmar-looking terrain while maintaining that classic Skaven look, including having a weaponised tail!
This probably won’t be a centerpiece for your army, but it has some really cool detail that would make for a fun painting challenge.
New Battletome Revealed
Squeaking of Skaven, we can also reveal the next battletome for Grand Alliance Chaos – the children of the Horned Rat will be emerging into a realm near you very soon!
Well, if the Deathmaster wasn’t enough for you, they are also grabbing a new battletome, and the cover art is pretty dope!
AoS Echoes of Doom Sylvaneth vs Skaven Box Revealed!
UPDATE: Looks like it is official; Games Workshop confirmed Echoes of Doom already!
What have the servants of the Horned Rat done this time? They’ve only gone and dug out a gnawhole right into the heart of Ghyran to pilfer a juicy harvest of soulpods – classic skaven. Led by the Grey Seer Skrittat, master of subtlety, they led a surprisingly successful heist into Neos.
This sacred land near the very centre of the Everspring Swathe was considered impenetrable, making the crime even more of an affront to Alarielle and her children.
This is a bigger mix of old and new units than expected, but you still get three new units in the box. Two for Sylvaneth and one for Skaven. It does make sense, though, as if there were just new units for the Sylvaneth, the box wouldn’t make a ton of sense for players trying to get into the faction.
They didn’t give us a release date quite yet, but usually, it’s not far off when you see the box.
New Echoes of Doom Box Set & Sylvaneth Rules SPOTTED
Images of what appears to be a new Battlebox for AoS called Echoes of Doom were spotted on Reddit. The contents look to be a mix of new and old units, with the Sylvaneth getting the lion’s share.
Comments seem to be mixed from on this one, with most Skaven players not really liking the models that supposedly are coming with this box set. Either way, there isn’t a lot for Clan Eshin, unfortunately. Perhaps more new models will be offered when the Skaven book itself releases in the near future, we hope.
Sylvaneth Gossamid Archers Warscroll Rules

This is probably new Sylvaneth Gossamid Archers Warscroll Rules from the new box set, which may change with the actual battletomes hit. However, since we know both are on deck, so to speak, then it’s probable that the battletome book rules may override these ones.
However, with a moment of 12 and exploding MWs on 6’s, and the ability to dip out 12″ when charged, these new models are going to be harassers extreme to their enemies. If there is a way for them to re-roll their attacks, we could see a lot of players making room for them in this lists going forward.
Well, let’s take a look at their rumored points first…
Looks like the Sylvaneth Gossamid Archers are clocking in just under Kurnoth Hunters and well above the Revenants that you can use for battlelines. Perhaps their juice will be worth the squeeze when we see the rest of the Battletome rules for the Sylvaneth?
Points-wise, there seems to be a bit of a difference between the two factions, so it will be interesting to see what the narrative missions included in the box turn out to be…
Kurnoth Hunters, Clanrats, and Stormvermin Rules
New Warscroll from the Echoes of Doom Box for the Kurnoth Hunters, Clanrats, and Stormvermin, have been Spotted
Deathmaster Rules Warscroll
When compared with the rules above, everything matches up pretty well! So while this is rumored, it’s looking pretty good. The only real thing this adds is the stats and running death, where it can run and still shoot.
However, we’ll have to see what the rest of the rules in the new book change and if that makes this better or worse. The only strange thing is that it can only join Clanrats or Stormvermin and no Night Runners.
Lady of Vines Warscroll Rules
This should be a fun addition to your army with 10 wounds, a 3+ save, and plenty of abilities! Then, with two spells and a decent ranged attack, you can dish out some other damage.
Lastly, with some decent melee attacks, she’s shaping up well!
If you missed the latest few previews from GW, you can get all caught up on those from our coverage below:
Click Here For All the GW Previews From Warhammer Fest
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