Painting Vior’La Tau Sept White: Hellfire Hobbies Tutorial

Tau White Painting How toPainting Vior’La Tau Sept white armor doesn’t have to be hard; learn how with this fast and awesome tutorial!

With the new book out for a little while now, it’s time to get painting up your forces! If you’re planning on going with this Sept, you need to get good at painting white, and this tutorial will help you tackle the steps without much hassle!

Let’s see how to do it.

Painting Vior’La Tau Sept White: Hellfire Hobbies Tutorial

Tau White Painting How to 2You have to prime this white for the contrast to work, so that’s what we’ll start with!

Step 1:

Tau White Painting How to 3Break out the Apothecary White Contrast from GW and just do a good layer over the entire model. You want a good even coat, but not too much, or this will start to look a little gray. Next, break out a black you like and paint all hooves and all the straps with this; again, it’s just a base coat so get good coverage, but don’t go too crazy.

After this, he gets Dark Reaper on the brush and does a base coat on all the legs where it is cloth and the hands. Lastly, for this step, we’ll paint some black lines on the armor where it will eventually be red, where ever you feel like or follow the book for this.

Step 2:

Tau White Painting How to 4Now that the base layers are on, it’s time to add some Retributor Gold. He does that on all the little button spots. Then, he takes Incubi Darkness and uses that as a highlight on the black. Nothing crazy here, just a good highlight on all the black areas. Then he goes to Reaper Blue and then up to Calgar Blue to finish the black highlights.

For the gold highlights, he just shades it with Earthshade. He’s fairly generous with it, but not so much that it seeps into the white. Lastly, he uses a Black Shade for this stage and does that all over the Tau skin areas.

Step 3:

Tau White Painting How to 5Now, we’re switching to purple and going over all the lenses on the face and backpack and just picking out some little details.

He goes with Genestealer Purple to highlight these areas. Next, he breaks out the Druchii Violet and does a quick wash on the lenses. This is a very speed paint style, but they would look great when built up in units!

Finished Model:

Tau White Painting How to 7In the final step, he goes back to the White Contrast and does edge highlighting everywhere there is a hard angle, just to make them pop. You don’t have to do every line, just where you think it looks good.

This is it for the painting phase, the only other thing he does is takes him off that base and places him on another base that he already built. You can see when put on a base with a little bit of pop; it really makes the white stand out! Overall, a super-easy way to get your minis-looking tabletop ready!

That does it for this one! If you want to see more, check out Hellfire Hobbies’ own tutorial by clicking this link here.

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