30 Games Workshop Paints Hitting Last Chance to Buy

last-chance-to-buy-cames-workshop-warhammer-40kIf any of these GW Citadel paints on the new Last Chance to Buy List are among your favorites, don’t wait and get them now!

GW was not joking around when they said they would be rotating a lot of the range out. This time though, it looks like the new paints they just announced are pushing out some of the older paints

One other, and super important thing to note, these are not MTO or Made to Order! The last few of the Last Chance to Buy offerings were all MTO, these are not. So while it means you’ll get them faster, they might also run out on the GW site faster.

Plus, you know the prices will rise once they are gone from the Citadel range, meaning grab them now if you need them!

30 GW Paints Hit Last Chance to Buy List

GW paints last chanceThe majority of the paints leaving are the Dry and Air. However, there are a few more popular glosses thrown in there.

GW paints last chance 2The new line doesn’t have much of the air paint, so we’re not sure if they are going to also revamp that line, or if people are just not buying. That also makes sense when you have companies like Valejo and the Army Painter out there with higher quality and cheaper.


GW paints last chance 3


GW paints last chance 4The Corax White sort of makes sense as they are remaking the white spray so that will probably follow it up.

We’ll also take a quick look at the new line coming in, but as we said, they dont seem to be replacing too many of the above paints.

New Citadel Color Contrast, Shades & Spray Paints From GW

New GW PaintsThere are a lot of new Citadel colors, however, we think a lot of folks may have been looking for something a bit different. Still, if you love GW’s paints and contrast more specifically, this could be really good.

Get Your Last Chance to Buy Paints Here!

Are you upset to see these paints leaving the range? 

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