GW Previews New World Eaters 40k Rules

new world eaters chaos codex space marinesGW has sort of previewed new World Eaters Rules, and they are coming in the new White Dwarf- so not too much longer to go!

We’ve been seeing rumors for a long time about the new World Eaters codex, but from the looks of it, and what the rumors say, the codex is still pretty far off. While that sucks, at least we’ll have this set of rules to hold us over as they will not be in the CSM codex.

Still, we’ll check out what else we’ve seen for them and the release date rumors, then jump into the stuff from Games Workshop, followed by the World Eaters 40k Rules leaks spotted online.

World Eaters Release Date

World Eaters 2Games Workshop has confirmed that they have totally taken them out of the Chaos codex, meaning they will be having a new set of miniatures with new Khorne Berzerkers, and they said a few surprises as well!

Earlier today we saw some major reinforcements that the Heretic Astartes are getting alongside their new codex. But while this heretical tome is certainly fuelled by hate and driven by vengeance, it isn’t quite as angry as you might expect – one Legion is conspicuous in its absence.

This sounds like something good that they will be grabbing their own book. However, the time frame might be something you’re not as excited about. So, what do we have to go off and why do we think they are further off than originally thought? Let’s look at some historical references.

plastic sisters of battleWe got an early look at a Plastic Sister of Battle seal fromAdepticon 2018that was a render, what does this remind you of?

World Eaters

That’s right, renders for World Eaters. The World Eater renders are a little more than the Sisters were but we didn’t see a new sisters book, or the actual models until about a year and a half, and a new edition, later.

Then, we saw a full plastic render about 8-9 months before the book came out. This means we could see something similar with the World Eaters, so keep your eyes out for more renders.

New World Eaters 40k Rules (from the White Dwarf)

World Eaters Rules


This month, a fog of fury descends upon the pages of White Dwarf as the World Eaters stake their claim on issue 477. Unlike the many warbands that make up the Chaos Space Marines, the World Eaters are an original Legion, led by the biggest, reddest, and meanest Primarch of all – Angron.

World Eaters Rules 2

That’s right, Codex: World Eaters is coming – the iconic chainaxes of this bloodthirsty Legion were unveiled during Warhammer Fest, but the anticipation is more than we can bear – so to help quell the rage of the Butcher’s Nails, the White Dwarf team have made an offering to Khorne.

We know it’s coming, but wish they had given us a little more info on the release date, still, we’re expecting it pretty far away from now.

Blood ButchersClick Here to Get these New Blood Butchers

World Eaters Rules 3


Welcome to a bumper blood-splattered Index Hereticus: World Eaters – eight pages of lore, six pages of rules, and a short story starring Khârn the Betrayer. All of this plus a massive selection of blood-drenched World Eaters conversions, epic paint jobs, and a guide on how to create that classic brass and crimson colour scheme yourself.

New World Eaters Rule Leaks SPOTTED

What looks to be all the June White Dwarf pages with the new World Eaters rules have been spotted on Reddit. So let’s go over all we’ve found!

world eaters index

On the first page is the legion trait and some friendly rule reminders like Berzerkers being a troop choice for World Eaters. As you can see, the Legion Trait is The Butcher’s Nails and it adds one to the attacks of models who charge, were charged, or performed Heroic Interventions.

This is actually the same as their current legion trait.

world eaters warlord traits

We also got a peek at the Warlord Traits, of which the two best seem to be True Berzerker and Disciple of KhorneTrue Berzerker helps to protect your character by halving damage, an extremely powerful ability to make them live longer.

Disciple of Khorne, on the other hand, helps buff up melee power by giving a situational re-roll of both hits and wounds which is fantastic.

One thing to note is the wording on Named Characters and Warlord Traits. It looks like perhaps it may be worded this way in reference to the rumored changes to Warlord Traits in the Nephilim Chapter Approved book.

world eaters stratagems

Stratagems bring in 8 new options, with Red Butchers and Skulls for the Skull Throne! being two great options.

The first helps to upgrade a terminator’s unit, which is already a huge threat, making them even stronger! While the second helps to get some freebie CP back overtop of the normal rules!

world eaters relics

Relics have a few options too with Banner of Rage looking fantastic giving a great +1 attack aura. Helm of Furore is also probably great, giving a huge +2 Strength, which might push the model into a critical mass for wound rolls.

world eaters khorn berserkers

By far the biggest change to note for the updated berzerkers is FINALLY getting 2 wounds, along with a fantastic Attack buff, making each and every Berzerker an absolute menace in melee, which is perfectly on theme!

world eaters kharn the betrayer

Kharn sees a small buff to strength, which actually isn’t much, because he lost equal strength on his weapon, netting a neutral change. He also lost the auto wound roll on his weapon, but traded it for a “ignore modifiers rules” which makes him probably better overall and streamlines his rules a little bit!

Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from all preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

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About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!