JOYTOY’s New Bladeguard Veterans Let You Choose Your Chapter

Joytoy-action-figures-warhammer-40kA ton of new JOYTOY Bladeguard Veterans action figures for Warhammer 40k have been spotted for the following chapters…

If you’ve been looking for something to spice up your collection, these new Warhammer 40k JOYTOY action figures might be perfect!

The only Bladeguards we’ve seen so far are actually just for the Ultramarines, so it’s nice to see some other chapters get some love.  They are actually really cool figures, and even though they are a little “expensive,” they look great and have tons of articulation and bits.

Let’s take a closer look at the other Warhammer 40k JOYTOY Action Figures up for pre-order, then jump into the new stuff!

New 40k JOYTOY Action Figures Now Orderable in the USA!

JOYTOY New Figures


JOYTOY New Figures 2


JOYTOY New Figures 3You can get all of the above from Entertainment Earth right now or Sideshow, but we’ll take a closer look at some of them as well. The nice part is now you can a bunch of different chapters, vehicles, and even DKoK!

You can click any of the links below to go grab yours now!

JOYTOY Chapter-Specific Bladeguard Veterans- Blood Angels

Get Yours From Entertainment Earth | Sideshow Collectibles | Order From Oversees

Blade Guard Veteran JOYTOY


Blade Guard VeteranIf you love Blood Angels, then this might be a no-brainer! Plus, it has a ton of parts, and as with all JOTOY figures, just looks cool!

Space Wolves

Get Yours From Entertainment Earth | Sideshow Collectibles | Order From Oversees

Blade Guard Veteran JOYTOY 3


Blade Guard Veteran JOYTOY 2We’ve actually been seeing a lot of releases for the Space Wolves from JOYTOY recently. This is just awesome as they are one of the most iconic and wild chapters out there!

Imperial Fists Bladeguard Veteran

Get Yours From Entertainment Earth | Sideshow Collectibles | Order From Oversees

Blade Guard Veteran JOYTOY 5


Blade Guard Veteran JOYTOY 4They couldn’t leave out the Fists with the recent promotion push from the new edition of HH. If you’re buying the box, might as well also get one of these to give your forces that extra bit of good luck.

Black Templars

Get Yours From Entertainment Earth | Sideshow Collectibles | Order From Oversees

Blade Guard Veteran JOYTOY 7


Blade Guard Veteran JOYTOY 6Last but not least this time around is the Black Templar! If you want to get crusading, then this is going to be an easy pickup!

Click Here To Get Yours From Entertainment Earth or Sideshow Collectibles

Will you be picking any of these new JOYTOY Warhammer 40k Action Figures up? What is your favorite?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

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