WizKids D&D Icons of the Realms: Beholder Collector’s Box Coming Soon!

The upcoming D&D Icons of the Realms: Beholder Collector’s Box from WizKids will contain 3 minis designed by professional painters!

Wizkids is following up on the line with some amazing new figures! This box will be hitting shelves in October, so if you see anything you like, you don’t have too long to wait now.

The paint jobs on all of these are actually fairly well done, so your games will instantly look that much better. Unfortunately, the pictures aren’t the best quality, but you still get a good feel of what they will look like. 

beholders box1

Considering this is going to be a collector’s version, it’s a little more expensive than the normal Beholders, still, if you don’t feel like painting up your own but still want high-quality, then this might be perfect for you. While it’s not coming out quite yet, we actually have a price, already, and honestly, it’s not that bad! Let’s check out the upcoming box.

D&D Icons of the Realms: Beholder Collector’s Box: $49.99

Beholder MiniaturesThe figures just all look great and there’s nothing wrong with putting down the brush sometimes! Especially if you’re busy and only have a little time to dedicate to gaming, might as well spend it playing. Just don’t forget, these hit shelves in October, be on the lookout soon.

Beholder Miniatures 2The paint schemes are designed by three great miniatures painters: Ian Phillip, Kathryn Chodor, and Steven. Especially with how different each scheme is, you’ll really be able to use them for a bunch of different campaigns. 

Beholder Miniatures 3If you love everything that Wizkids is up to, check out what else they have going on here! When you compare these with the other Beholders out there, they really do stand out, so even if you don’t use them in campaigns all the time, they will look great on the shelf!

That does it for this one, just another awesome box of minis to look forward to.

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