Epic-Sized Bases & Terrain Kickstarter is Live Now!

Epic HeresyIf you want some awesome new epic-sized bases and terrain for your games, this Kickstarter is going to be right up your alley!

One of the best things about this project is everything has been test printed, meaning you don’t have to worry if it will work when you actually get the files. The project is full of awesome stuff to make your games that much better and considering there isn’t a ton of epic terrain out there, this is cool to see.

Obviously, this is for the files, so you do have to have a printer to take advantage of it, but if you don’t have one, you should get one already! Let’s take a closer look at the project.

Epic-Sized Bases & Terrain Kickstarter is Live Now!

Epic Heresy 2Let’s start by looking at the terrain.

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In this Kickstarter, I’m offering 3d printable (STL) files that you can print at home on your 3d printer.  Due to the fine detail of these pieces, the majority of these files are most suitable for resin printing.

Epic Heresy 5  

All files are scaled for 8mm gaming systems but can be rescaled to suit your needs. 

Epic Heresy 4This is super important to note, if you see something you really like, you can just always scale it up as much as you want!

Click Here to Support the Project!

Epic Heresy 6The bases themselves are really awesome, let’s check them out:

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Pledge Levels

Epic Heresy 7Here’s what you can score:


  • You will receive the following number of files.
  • Number of unique files 134* plus bonus bases, yet to be decided.  Check update ‘You Decide #1’
  • (*plus variables of the same design such as supported, non-supported, base topper, etc…)
  • Total file count:  304
  • Current cost per file 9p! 
  • This file count shall rise as goals are unlocked.


Same as above but also:

  • Receive a 12-month license allowing you to sell physical prints from these files.
  • I shall also add your store link to a page on my website. 

Stretch Goals

Epic Heresy 11They have already unlocked a bunch, but the more people who support, the more we all get.

That does it for this one, now go get some awesome files!

Click Here to Support the Project!