Table Top Hot Mess: SWM Vs. TT Combat Has To Stop

TT-Combat-Vs-Secret-Weapon-MiniaturesListen up Justin and Owen-  it’s time to settle this before both companies’ brands are irrevocably tarnished across the hobby…

Heads up this is an opinion piece, besides links to the latest statements by both parties, there isn’t much “news” here.

We understand business isn’t always pretty and can be confusing when it comes to IP, however, at this point judging by all the comments across the land, things need to get settled. The constant back and forth in public is not constructive and outside arbitration is needed.

Obviously, we don’t know all the facts, we can only see what they are both posting. Still, it’s never good for the hobby space, especially when customers have money invested in a project, to see it dragged out through the internet.

Table Top Hot Mess: SWM Vs. TT Combat

The most recent updates have been posted by both Secret Weapon Miniatures and TT Combat, and at this point, they are just getting ridiculous.

You can read the latest updates by both parties at the links below:

SWM Update Link

TTCombat Update Link

secret weapon minis hor walNo matter which side you’re on, or either way you look at it, there were some serious mistakes made here by both parties.

First and foremost, they need to get this settled and arbitration seems the most obvious way, but really dragging each other through the mud each week doesn’t help either company.

It just tarnishes both companies’ images’ and people who put time and hope into the Kickstarter are really the ones who are getting the short end of it. People have money out there, they believed in both of your companies, and the clock is ticking… 

Second, it seems like there was no formal agreement on what the money sent would actually get. When one business acquires another or even buys its assets out, you should have it in a formal agreement in writing from day one!

This seems somewhat obvious but it happens all the time in the hobby space, where things are “assumed” and it usually doesn’t work out. SWM also produced some documents showing that TTC sent money as “friends and family” as part of the payment which is a big no-no and could constitute some seriously big issues on the money side of things if that’s true.

Overall this whole thing just feels like a botched backdoor deal and it obviously didn’t work out. As we said before, people have money tied into this deal, it’s time to fix this for all the hobbyists who currently patronize both companies!

The clock is ticking guys, lets’s get it figured out, and stop wasting everyone’s time with ranty weekly update posts.

SWM Vs. TT Combat is sad news for the hobby space, were you a part of the Kickstarter? 

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