Wahapedia Site Outages & Banned From Patreon

marine-copyrightWahapedia is currently having technical issues, but more importantly, has curiously been banned from Patreon…

For those of you who don’t know, Wahapedia is a resource website for Warhammer players, much like a recipe site. Where they gather all of the info into one single place, making it easy for gamers to get quick info on the armies out there.

GW Trying to Take Down Wahapedia:

black eye warhammer 40k

When the functionality of Wahapedia is in flux, readers will come to this article for answers.

Wahapedia Outages & Banned From Patreon

Updated July 8 2022: Wahapeida appears down with a 403 error saying access is denied on mobile devices.

Currently, desktop versions of the site still work, we reached out to Wahapedia, and they indicated they were “working on it and to try again” as it appears to be a technical problem.

Recently the site was removed from Patreon perhaps in response to its Russian origins, however, Patreon has said it would allow Russian creators to continue to use the service back in March.

They were directing readers to use Bootsy (link here) in order for Patreons to subscribe back and continue to support the site.

It appears that have indeed been banned from Patreon according to their discord:

Guys, I have two news for you: bad one and good one. Where to start?.. You are daredevil, aren’t you? Okay, let’s start with the bad one: my Patreon is banned. Yes, you probably already saw this bar on the site. Let it hang for a couple of days, okay?

Don’t get angry. Due to the Patreon ban, I welcome my loyal patrons and all who are willing to support my hard work on this site to re-subscribe on Boosty following these simple instructions: 

What about a good one? So, you probably saw it too – War Zone Nephilim: Grand Tournament is already on the site. Note that I re-input the secondaries of all factions just for this GT. According to the rules – secondaries from the codexes cannot be used. And one more feature – the CSM secondaries have been added to the site, despite the fact that the codex itself is not on the site yet. Just ignore them.

Downtime March 2022

Wahapedia downtime on March 14/15th 2022 looks to have been resolved. A recent post by Wahapedia said the following:

Dear comrades! As you may have noticed, the site was once again subjected to a cyberattack. However, this time not only my site was affected, but also a number of sites on the servers of my hoster. Measures are being taken. Without plunging you into technical details, I will say that the site should now work, albeit more slowly.

However, every cloud has a silver lining – for me, the site has become a discovery, where Wahapedia is alive and well, although not the most up-to-date version. If it fits, you can use it.

So apparently their host was attacked this time, which makes sense given the current state of affairs over the Ukrainian conflict.  However this isn’t the first time they have been attacked, and as you can see from their February update they point some shade towards England.


Update: Wahapedia downtime on February 17th looks to have been resolved. A recent post by Wahapedia said the following:

Recently, DDoS attacks have become frankly annoying, so I took action. Now good old [REDACTED]** will have to work harder to put the server down. I hope this will not affect the performance of the site.

** this is a joke. I doubt that such a reputable company has stooped to such methods.

We added the redacted to this statement as it named someone who works for a company that sends out notices about things…

Update: Wahapedia downtime from November 16-17th 2021 has been resolved. See their statement below for how to fix your browser if you are having issues still.

Problem, Astartes?

What happened?

Links without “.html” at the end stopped working.

Why did this happen?

I wanted to upgrade the site, but at the same time NGINX stopped working (it is not provided, as it turned out, on the selected tariff plan).

What have I done to solve it?

I added “.html” to the links. This is a temporary solution and does not apply to archived versions of games.

What do you need to do?

Clear browser cache for Especially critical for filterable factions (AM, SM, CSM, CD)

Is that all?

No, the issue is still being resolved. The ball is on the hosting support court. As for me, the question would be resolved over one call in half an hour by a competent specialist. In the meantime, I have to wait 4-8 hours for an answer to each letter.

I apologize for the inconvenience caused.

Thank you so much for your patience and support! 

Wahapedia Cease & Desist

You may recall, Wahapedia was asked by Games Workshop to stop thier activities back in September of 2021 in a Cease and Desist notice.

We have posted an excerpt (of an authenticated copy we obtained) of the notice below.

Wahapedia taken downThis is the claim against their activities from GW taken from their Patreon. Basically, the claims are for taking info and monetizing them through multiple sites. However, the site is more like a recipe site, where they just put the info out there and you can choose to support it if you wish.

Wahapedia taken downWith this being the only real notice, we’ll just have to wait and see at this point what will happen. They basically have 14 days to take down the majority of the site according to the notice. There is a precedence set for online resources for something like this to stay up, but again, it comes down to if they want to fight it or not.

This is more of a heads up than anything if you want to see more about what they plan on doing about the case, check out their Patreon for more details.

Recent IP Issues & Games Workshop NDA

games-workshop-ndaWe’ve covered a lot of the IP concerns from GW lately, most recently their NDA policy. It seems with the advent of Warhammer+ they have really cracked down on all sides of their IP. Basically from YouTubers to websites to any content creators.

They seem to be understanding just how much their IP is actually worth with the giant amount of lore they have created. If you want to see more of why GW may be getting more aggressive about their IP lately, we had a guest author break down it really well here.

The Best Online Resources for Warhammer 40k

best-online-resourcesIf you’re looking to up your game, these are some of the best online resources for Warhammer 40k out there- check it out!

There are so many great resources for playing Warhammer out there, it can be hard to find exactly what you’re looking for. Well, these are some of our favorite resources for painting, playing, and just info in general.  These can be helpful whether you are a new or veteran player alike!

super happy guardsman wal horWe’ll say this one more time before getting into the list, if you have some other favorites we forgot about, let us know because we always love to find new places to hobby better! Let’s give some criteria on what we think makes something good.

  • Value! Not everything is free and it shouldn’t always be, but if you do have to pay, we look at the value you actually receive. 
  • Good Information. Obviously, if you classify as a great resource, you have to have good info. 
  • Consistency is key. To be a great resource you need updated content. 

With that said let’s jump into the list.

Painting Resources:

glaze vs. wash feature rObviously, we all want to be better painters! Sometimes all you need is just a few tips to take you over the top. Even if you need all the tips in the world, these channels are super helpful.

  • Terrain Tutor is technically a little different of a channel, but we all need great terrain! 
  • Squidmar Miniatures is great at showing techniques and has some really fun videos that can help you get better! 
  • Jack of Clubs Painting He does a ton of great painting tutorials to help you level up.
  • Next Level Painting If you really want to take your painting to the next level, Kenny is an amazing resource! 
  • Goobertown Hobbies does a ton of really fun videos and great tutorials that really help new and veteran painters alike. 
  • eBay Miniature Rescues is a very unique channel that shows you how to take beat-up minis and turn them great again. 

There are so many awesome painters out there but these are some of our favorites.

List-Building & Game Analysis:

Goonhammer Feature r (1)We would be lying if we said we didn’t want to be a little better at building our lists. Plus, there are some great resources to not only get better at building but also just understanding the game. These places help with all that!

  • Goonhammer is just a great place for in-depth analysis and so much more for 40k. 
  • Wahapedia is an awesome place to find basically everything you need for list building and past editions. 
  • Buttscribe may have a funny name but man it’s such a great list-building resource and if you haven’t checked it out yet, you really should! 
  • Tabletop Simulator is a great way to test lists and play while you’re social distancing
  • Battlescribe is an easy way to make lists and is accepted pretty much everywhere. 
  • Rightful Ruler from selecting deployment zones, measuring objectives, deepstrike radius, and more, all you have to do is hold up your phone,

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General Resources:

space-marine-centurion feature rSome of the best content doesn’t just fall into any of the main categories, so these are just some of our favorite resources.

  • Best Coast Pairings is a great resource to not only play tournaments but also to see what lists are doing well. 
  • Reddit is not always the most trustworthy source for news but it has a great 40k community that can be super helpful at times. 
  • Warhammer+ Maybe? We’re not sure how this will turn out but for the price, you get the 40k app, tutorials, battle reports, lore, and more. So even though this has made a lot of people angry, this looks like it could be a good resource. 
  • Dice Check is perfect if you want to see some great painted armies, fun battle reports, and just a cool channel! 
  • Instagram has so many amazing painters, news, and a really cool 40k community in general.

Chess Clocks:

With Chess Clocks being a part of ITC events for over 3 years now, take some time to get some practice in with them!

chess clock

It’s probably worth mentioning playing with a chess clock will help speed up your game too, and get you ready for tournament play! Plus faster games means more time to hobby as well!

We’ve been using the clock pictured above, it’s super affordable and ships quick from Amazon Prime!

Get Your Chess Clock Here!

Obviously, there are hundreds if not thousands of places to look for inspiration and resources. So, get out there and find your favorite places to absorb 40k content!

Have you used Wahapedia, and do you think they will be forced to remove content by Games Workshop?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, or our new Discord server, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

Get ad-free access to the site, a monthly drop of miniatures, and support some of the best creators out there for as little as $6 a month on Patreon!
