How to Paint Horus Heresy Death Guard Tutorial

Death guard Horus HeresyLearn how to paint Horus Heresy Death Guard with this easy and awesome painting tutorial from Lil’ Legend Studio.

Lil’ Legend Studio has a ton of great painting tutorials, and they are always easy to follow and get your minis on the table with awesome quality.

This time around, we’re focusing on getting your new Horus Heresy models ready for the tabletop! Now that the new edition of HH is here, it’s time to get ready and your forces painted. Let’s jump into the tutorial!

How to Paint Horus Heresy Death Guard: Lil’ Legend Tutorial

Paint Death GuardTo start, he uses Walnut from Scale 75 through the airbrush and waters it down to almost 50/50. He then does 2-3 thin coats on the miniature as a base coat. He then thins down Nacar Scale 75 and builds up the transition, so go very light with each layer here. Just be sure to leave the darkest recesses here as a natural shadow.

Also, be sure to keep the airbrush moving the whole time here, so you don’t get any big buildup of paint in any one area. Lastly, make sure you do a zenithal highlight on the shoulder pads.

Step 2:

Paint Death Guard 2For the shoulder pad, he uses Moss Green, Necro Gold for the gold areas, Dark Aluminum for all the silver areas, and Thamar Black for the gun. These are all just basecoats, so be sure to get good coverage, but don’t be too worried about them.

To continue with the gold he uses Shyish Purple in the deepest recesses. Next up, he uses Coelia Greenshade and Agrax Earthshade to all the recesses on the armor to give more shadows. He also does this on all the metal. This takes a while, so be sure to take your time and hit all the spots on the model.

Step 3:

Paint Death Guard 3To start the weathering, he takes Silver Vallejo Air on a sponge and just dabs it onto the mini everywhere he wants to be weathered, focusing on any silver area. He then does the same method but with the gold.


Emperor's Children how to 7He is showing an example on another mini, obviously

For this, he uses Micro Sol & Set. For this, you put the decals in warm water until it comes off the sheet, he then puts the Micro sol on the piece, and once it’s on, he uses a Q-tip and the Micro Set to smooth out any irregularities.

Super simple. Just be sure to gloss varnish before this step! Just be sure to let this sit for about 3 hours.

Finished Mini:

Paint Death Guard 4Be sure to watch the whole thing if you also want all the tips on how to paint the bolter and other details.

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