New Chaos Daemons Traits, Relics, & Stratagems 40k Codex Rules

chaos daemons codex new 9th edition rules how to playHere are all the new Chaos Daemons Traits, Relics, and Stratagems rules for their 9th Edition Warhammer 40k codex.

If you play Chaos Daemons, these rules are a great way to decide what to build your new army around from the upcoming codex book!

Let’s start by looking at the new codex for the Chaos Daemons and then dive into how to play all the new codex rules for Warhammer 40k.

Codex: Chaos Daemons Retail Price: $55

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Codex Chaos Daemons

These unique faction rules are collected from all the following reviews on YouTube, and Warhammer Community alike, so be sure to watch your favorite presenters talk about their take on the book at the links below:

Here’s the most up-to-date how-to-play review of the new Chaos Daemons rules- click on the gallery above to see all the new 9th Edition rules from the Chaos Daemons codex!

New Khorne Daemons Traits, Relics, & Stratagems 40k Codex Rules

Exalted Bloodthirsters

Exalting Greater Daemons costs points now instead of CP, and thank the Chaos gods for that! For Bloodthirsters, Indomitable Onslaught looks the best as it prevents your giant Daemon from getting deleted from the table in one phase, which is a very good ability considering most lists have one thing they excel at, whether that be shooting or casting psychic powers, both of which Khorne can’t do much about.

Khorne Warlord Traits

Khorne Warlord Traits bring in some decent options, but Rage Incarnate looks incredible. Khorne always wants to get into melee, and getting to buff your warlord (who is more than likely an Exalted Bloodthirster), and help out nearby Core make the journey too! After that, the blood can start to flow!

Khorne Relics

For Relics, Blood-Drinker Talisman is great and pairs especially well if you Exalt your Bloodthirster like we recommended, making him even harder to kill! Regaining a potential six wounds in each combat can be huge!

Khorne Stratagems

For Khorne’s Stratagems, Frenetic Bloodlust is great! Getting an extra pile-in is quite awesome, or you can even get another free move, so just super strong and will let you get further into combat or closer to combat for cheap!

New Nurgle Daemons Traits, Relics, & Stratagems 40k Codex Rules

Nurgle Exalted Great Unclean Ones

Great Unclean Ones get to keep an iconic Nurgle power, but only through their Exalted abilities now. Revoltingly Resilient is a very strong option making all damage -1 to them. It’s slightly different than before but still extremely strong.

Nurgle warlord traits

Nurgle’s Warlord Traits have a few options to consider; however, Virulent Touch is most likely the best. It makes your Warlords melee attacks auto-wound! Just an objectively strong trait removing some variance from combat.

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Nurgle relics

Relics give access to The Endless Gift, which has the power to heal an increasing number of wounds each round, an especially good option on hard-to-kill models that will stick around.

Nurgle Stratagems

As for Stratagems, Swarming Flies is going to be a staple that’s used often. In the shooting or fight phase, make a unit -1 to hit. Extremely good, even if it is a little expensive. This may always will be a go-to.

New Slaanesh Daemons Traits, Relics, & Stratagems 40k Codex Rules

Slaanesh exalted Keeper of Secrets

For Slaanesh, Exalted Keepers have three good options… but as with all things, one is probably best. Diaphanous Panoply makes it harder to kill with a -1 to wound rolls at range. That being said, if you run three, you’ll probably end up exalting all three and getting each ability.

Slaanesh warlord traits

Slaanesh Warlord Traits are, unfortunately, probably the weakest of the four gods, but Quicksilver Duellist is a strong option for Keeper of Secrets. Rerolling all hits and wound against characters is super strong, especially on a point-dense killing machine like a Keeper of Secrets.

Slaanesh Relics

Relics aren’t as hit or miss as warlord traits but have a few options at least to consider. That being said, Whip of Agony looks great increasing its power and giving it a conditional auto-wound rule. Of course, if you can afford it, you’ll probably take multiple relics, so keep that in mind when looking these over!

Slaanesh stratagems

For Stratagems, there are quite a few situational options, and interestingly enough, all of them are 1CP! Truly an honor to the lord of excess (stratagems). That being said, Rapturious Standard is just value-giving an icon unit full hit re-rolls!

New Tzeentch Daemons Traits, Relics, & Stratagems 40k Codex Rules

Tzeentch Exalted Lords of Change

Tzeentch’s Exalted birds have access to some great effects, but Architect of Deception is probably the best overall, giving them a -1 to hit from ranged weapons, a fantastic ability to prevent them from getting shot off the board too quickly.

Tzeentch Warlord Traits

As for Warlord Traits, Born of Sorcery is simple and strong making it a good candidate for every Tzeentch list. Getting plus one on Psychic Tests is just good! Not to mention its ability to combo with the Infernal Gateway Psychic Power.

Tzeentch Relics

Relics bring in a few solid choices, but The Impossible Robe is going to continue to be a must-have on any big birds you might play. Being able to deny a heavy-hitting weapon from dealing any damage after your save fails is extremely powerful.

Tzeentch stratagems

As for Stratagems, Warp Portal is extremely strong, as extra mobility is always powerful. A new cheeky thing you can do is use it on Be’lakor! He has the necessary keyword, so free teleports on the big Daemon Prince!

Here’s all the latest on all the new Chaos Daemons rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

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