A New GW Preview is Right Around the Corner

gw-previews-new-warhammerThe next round of Games Workshop previews are right around the corner as Warhammer Day falls right around Halloween generally…

As of right now, it looks like the Leagues of Votann,  and Horus Heresy will have to hold us over for the remainder of the summer and the start of fall, but the next two reveals could be huge!

We’ve already seen a ton of Guard, but only one Squad for the World Eaters, so they might get more new stuff in terms of previews, but from the looks of it Guard still has a lot more to show.

Warhammer Day Previews Should be on the Way Soon!

New Imperial GuardNot only will there be new minis for each of those factions, but there are also almost always exclusive minis as well.

Remember these two from the 2021 Warhammer Day?

Warhammer Day Exclusive Minis

Warhammer Day Exclusive Minis 2

So, hopefully, this year we get something other than a Marine (come on, you already have enough exclusives), but we’ll just have to wait and see on that.

shadow throne blade championLast year, the big reveal was the Custodes vs. Genestealer Cults box, so it wouldn’t surprise us if we see something similar, but with new World Eaters OR Imperial Guard.

We hope they will put plenty of new minis for whatever faction, but from the looks of it, there might be too much new stuff to fit into just one box.

Both those factions only grabbed one new mini in the box, so this year could actually be something big with tons of new minis. Obviously, we don’t know the details quite yet, but it would make sense.

We didn’t get much other than the Maggotkin release for the other games last year, which was pretty cool (and the first of the new Vanguard Box Sets). Plus, some small releases for the boxed games. Hopefully, this year, we get more previews for everything.

So chances are, we’ll see a ton of new Imperial Guard and World Eaters. Both need some love badly, so if you play either of those factions, you probably really don’t have too long to wait!

Keep your eyes peeled, though, as the “preview” for the preview should be coming soon!

What are you wanting to see at the Warhammer Day Previews? Are you excited about new Imperial Guard and World Eaters?

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